So my name is H.

Yeah. Just H.

I'm the daughter of Harley Quinn and The joker, I live on the isle Of The Lost away from stupid 'King Ben' and The so called 'Good Villains'

HA! as if. You know who I'm talking about! I'm talking about Mal, Carlos, Evie, Jay. The 'VKs'

The traitors who left us all alone on the isle.

I'm the Biggest Baddest villain around now, Once they left I took over. They used to be my friends, I Used to be a part of their group! But you don't know me do you!? No. You wouldn't. Because when I was their friend they convinced me to stay inside the hideout. They convinced me I was their secret Weapon! That they would 'Use' Me when they needed me!

That's not anymore though, No Now i have EVERYONE running away from me!


and everyone Runs from me.

Mr. Guyliner (Harry Hook) -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now