Oh No

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Jai's P.O.V

Should I call her. Should I text her. No, it may sound to her like im desperate. Wait why am I so nervous about. She's just any other typical girl. But with big blue eyes. Snap out of it Jai. I decided I should text her so we can meet up.


Hey Kayln . Wanna meet up at Melbourne Central


Um sure what time will you be here

(Gives address)


By three see ya then


Ok bye

She might fall for this plan. I dont even know her and she doesnt know me. I will never fall for her plus this is a dare.

Kayln's P.O.V

What should I fucking wear!!!! I was looking and throwing clothes all over my room. I finally picked an outfit which was high waisted shorts, a crop top that said "Infinty" on it and my blue vans. I took a shower and then did my make up which is casual foundation, concealer eyeliner and mascara. I let my long brown hair air dry so it can become wavy. it was only 2:30 so I just watched T.V in the living room with my pennyboard waiting for me by the door.Next thing you know my doorbell ringed. It was Jai. He dressed simple , skimny jeans , navy vans , a sweater that said Dirty Pig on it and with a snapback. God he looked cute. Snap out of it Kayln!

"You can take a picture you know. It will last longer" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up " I said

We walked to the train station and waited for the train. Well I can say that there was this awkward tension between us.

"So , tell me about yourself" I blurted out then looking away

Nice going Kayln.

"My name is Jai Dominic Brooks, im 18 years old. Im in this group called the Janoskians and we make youtube videos, I have a twin named Luke and a older brother named Beau and I just live next door from you. So tell me about yourself."

"Well what do you wanna know" I said playfully



"Well my name is Kayln Marie Andrews. Im 18, im a Victoria Secret Model and I sing. I have two sisters named Cara and Juliana and I like to pennyboard. I in just found out I live next door from you"

We got to Melbourne Central and then I started pennyboarding and Jai tried to keep up with me. I giggled as I made my way to the music shop.

I went inside looking for the Nirvana CD . Jai looked at me shocked.

"You like Nirvana"

"No I just buy CDs to just store it in my closet forever" I said sarcastically

Jai chuckled at my sarcasm. His smile is just perfect.

Well since I only have 20 bucks on me to buy a shirt I cant buy the CD :(

We left the store then Jai grabbed my hand and pulled me off to somewhere.We stopped

"Where the hell are we going"

"Somewhere. Lets just say its gonna be a major surprise"

Oh No.


whats uppp

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use the #TeamJayln

Theyre so cute
IG: @queen_paola14
TWITTER: @hai_its_paola
see ya


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