I had a really bad brake out a week ago so my mum buys this bar of soap that helps get rid of dem, she said ' When u use this, get it wet then put it in ur and and rub it around, then use the soap on ur hand and wipe it on ur face.' I'm so so stupid.... I grabbed the whole bar of soup and rubbed it on my face.... I hurt like fuck.... it popped most of my brake out.... but they weren't ready so it really burnt, when I got in da shower to wash it off it got in my eyes when I got out everyone kept asking what's wrong, to da point when I went in the bathroom look in the mirror and said... 'shit.' My eyes were pushing da soap out of my eyes and I looked like I was crying.... I just skipped dinner and went to bed..... Just so I could rad da fridge when everyone was asleep... AT 1 FUCKING IN DA DAMN MORNING!!!!
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