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The lacrosse field had an oddly eerie vibe to it as Ariana followed Violet up to the bleachers, but perhaps she was just projecting that vibe herself because of what was about to go down. She took in the large noisy crowd already gathering in their seats, and the bright lights shining down on the field where the players were all roaming around in pre-game mode. It was a very open space and very well lit. This was probably the most exposed assassination job she and the other two orphans had ever attempted and Ariana could definitely feel the jitters in her stomach forming.

"Ugh, I hate this suspense," Violet murmured under her breath to Ariana as they hovered at the edge of the bleachers, her eyes scanning their team's area for Garrett. He was sitting down in the middle of a conversation with a few other boys from the team. He glanced briefly up at the girls, flashing them a quick smirk before returning to his conversation.

"I'd be shocked if you weren't. Just be patient. We have to be careful tonight," Ariana hissed back to Violet as she looked around the field, her eyes already searching for Liam's face before she was conscious of it.

"When have I ever been patient?" Violet shot back, the corner of her lip tilting into half a smirk as Ariana paused her search for Liam to roll her eyes in response.

Ariana's eyes finally settled on Liam, a small smile already slipping up her lips. She watched him for a moment as he stood with Mason a few feet away from the bleachers. Before she was aware of what she was doing, Ariana found herself walking over to them, ignoring Violet's protests from behind her.

Liam didn't notice her approaching, his eyes too busy glaring over at one of the Devonford Prep players. Ariana smiled to herself as she reached him and Mason, slinking in between the two boys.

"-I think can take him."

Ariana frowned, a little confused, as she caught the end of Liam's sentence. "Who are you taking now?"

Liam turned suddenly at her voice, and his eyes lit up as he looked down at her. "Hey! Where did you come from?" he asked, grinning as he threw one arm around her, pulling her a little closer. "Oh, never mind. There's just this jerk from Devonford, Brett. He doesn't like me too much," Liam's gaze lingered back at the guy who was currently tugging his shirt off.

Ariana followed his gaze and her eyes widened a fraction as she pulled her eyes up from his abs to his face. Brett Talbot. Her mind flashed to the Benefactor's list again.

Brett Talbot - 1m

She hadn't realised it would be so easy to spot him. Ariana watched him for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she watched him pulling his gear on, trying to get a good look at which number he was. Finally Brett turned his back, giving Ariana a clear view of his shirt. Twenty-eight. Perfect. At least now she wouldn't have any trouble spotting him on the field during the match. And he had an issue with Liam which made her feel significantly less bad about the plan for tonight.

"What do you think you're doing?" Liam's voice interrupted her and she shot her head up, ready to defend herself but Liam was giving a suspicious glare to Mason instead. Ariana raised an eyebrow as she looked at Mason who was still staring over at Brett, his eyes a little dazed. Hopeless.

"What? Me? I'm agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable." Mason was a terrible liar. Ariana rolled her eyes, leaning into Liam a little more as she bit back a laugh.

Liam was less amused though, staring at Mason with an offended look. "You think he's hot don't you?"

Mason was still staring, his head moving back and forth in an half hearted attempt to disagree. "No-"

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