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White fluorescent lighting filled the room.  It took a few seconds for Arabella to get used to it.  The room was larger than Arabella had anticipated, there were chairs with magazines all along the walls and a coffee tables in front of every few chairs. It was a rectangular room exept for an additional part it the back which expanded the room in the back. 


Arabella's eyes flew to the left of her, a few feet away was one of Arabella's good friends. 

"Adele!" Arabella screamed!

She picked Adele up and did a spin.  Adele was still very short and skinny so it made it so easy to pick her up.

"Wow you have changed so much Arabella!"

"And you have barely changed at all!"

"Ha ha. Very funny.  Come on and sit down, O'Dessa is here too!".

Arabella followed Adele around the corner and sure enough there was O'Dessa, a beautiful girl with dark clear skin and a beautiful braided hair. 


"Hey O'Dessa,".

Adele and Arabella sat down and sat in silence staring at each other for a while. 

"So um what or who are you guys hoping for?" Arabella asked trying to break the silence.

O'Dessa smiled,"I only want a boy the same race as me, black,".

Arabella smiled too she knew there was this boy at school O'Dessa liked and he liked her back.

"How about you Adele?".

She was blushing,"Um, I want a boy who is nice,".

"Is that boy named Jordan?"  Arabella said with a large grin.

Blushing some more Adele said,"Maybe,".

"You are so predictable!".

"What about you Arabella!".

"I just want a boy who isn't dumb and isn't a jerk like most of the boys at school,".

"You aren't looking for anyone in perticular?".

"Okay for the last time, I do not like Jackson!".

"Okay fine we believe you, we just wanted to see if your feelings had changed,".
Awkward silence seemed to take hold of the room once again.

"Um, so do you guys want to get married?" Adele asked.

Looking at her shoes Arabella said," When the time is right and I get to chose who I love, yes.  This way, no.  I want to get married to somebody I love not just a stranger the government assigned me to!,".

"I feel the same.  I want to go through the motions, crushes, boyfriends, and engagement.  Now we aren't able to have any of this!" O'Dessa seem very upset, they all were.

A lady in a tight red suit came in the room through a door in the back, different from the way Arabella came in.

"O'Dessa, they are ready for you."

She held the door open waiting for O'Desaa to follow. She stood up and gave both of us hugs.

"Go get um tiger!" Arabella whispered in her ear.

And there she left, out the door to meet her future.  A few minutes later Adele was called and Arabella was left alone to swim alone in the pool that is her mind, so deep that there may never be a bottom and so big withs inside but nothing on the surface with everything hiding underneath. 

"Arabella you're up,".

Arabella looked up, the lady in red was at the door.  Arabella stood up and slowly walked toward her.

"Follow me please.".

Arabella followed her down the hallway and in front of another door that looked just like the one that she entered the waiting room in.  Except the drapes had not been drawn and she could see the boy who was inside.  She stopped before opening the door.  Her heart was racing and her mind was trying to keep up but it was falling behind.  And it seemed that everything went black.

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