Chapter 3

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In the distance, I heard the sound of police-car sirens going off. Oh no. They were coming. I quickly ran in the other direction down the smooth side-walk. Is this what it came to? Running literally for my life. 

I could hear them getting closer. I had never been more frightened in my life. I approached a corner and without bothering to look, ran right.

I bumped into someone and they grabbed me. Screaming at the top of my lungs, I struggled to escape the arms that were nearly suffocating me at that moment.  

"Isabelle, it's me."  a familiar-sounding voice said. I slowly looked up. I'd recognize that smile anywhere. "Dad?" I whispered. But..but how. How could he just suddenly come back? "Yes, Izzter?" he replied. Yep. It was definitely him given the name he called me. He has...Or atleast he had called me that since as long as I could remember. "B-but how?? What-" before I could finish my sentence he loudly whispered with a rather-angry-looking face now "We don't have any time to chit-chat right now. Sorry if I wasted time. Run, I'll stay here." he said.

"But-but dad! I don't want to- " "Go! You wanna make this up to me? Go!" he interrupted and right as I started running I heard loud foot steps getting nearer.

I turned around just in time to see a police officer run around the corner with a gun, and irrationally shooting my father. "No!!" I cried as I saw the bullet plunge into my fathers chest and my eyes fluttered wide open as I quickly sat up.

Oh... It was...just a dream. I was still heavily pantiing from the horrors of that god-awful nightmare. It was just a dream, Isabelle. Why on earth did I think people could just suddenly come back to life?! And what cop would be so irrational as to do that?! 

And why on earth would I do something as bad as egging houses! It was all just a dream I thought!

Though, It was nice to have those last few more moments with my father... No Isabelle. Dont think about that.

Feeling relieved that it was all a dream, I happily popped out of my still boring and plain bed. Which is unusual...considering I never wanted to ever stop sleeping. As I happily trucked down my still uncomfortable, feeling staircase congratulating myself on not breaking the law in my spongebob squarepants footie pajamas my happy expression quickly transformed into a concerned/confused look. Sitting on our brand new leathery couch was my mother speaking to some person that I probably didn't know. 

That wasn't the part that made me so concerned. It was the conversation and the puzzled vibe my mother was giving. 

"Gosh that's terrible," I overheard her saying. I desparately tried to ignore this conversation. I was NOT interested in knowing what this "terrible," thing was. 

But I couldn't help myself. Trying very hard not to be seen, I silently crept behind the couch.

I positioned myself to where my back was against the couch, and I was all ears.

"Really? Oh gosh I hate it when people think it's funny to vandalize property. Or for someone to think that it's even okay." she said into the phone. The other person mumbled something that I couldn't understand into the phone. "I hope everything goes well for you and that you can get your things repaired. Okay! Myy daughter's probably going to me waiting for me to take her to school soon- Bye!" she said ending the call. 

I stopped listening for a few seconds and just sat there with my heart pounding loudly against my chest.

Was it possible to just disappear?

My mom inconveniently decided to walk around the other side of the couch, inevitably spotting me sitting there.

At first she jumped a little. "What are you doing there?" she asked. I would be just as confused as she was if I were her at this moment. I quickly shot up nervously. "Me? Oh nothing..." I said awkwardly scratching my head. 

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