Crave Me** {f i f t e e n}

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Crave Me © 2017 Nique Joaquin

A/N: If you haven't read Crave Me, don't read this pls. I know people have these in their libraries. But I mean, I guess if you wanna read some kind of mindless pörn then this is the place. Also, not edited. So... if anyone wants to edit a... um... smexy scene like this... please feel free. ;) 


Lucien growled against my neck as I felt his fingers brush against my core. I bucked my hips against his touch and my fingers roamed his back. I moaned as he nipped my skin, his fingers circling my clit.

"Shit... Lucien-"

"Sshh..." His fingers sped up and I felt my breath catch. My hips shaking as I tried to guide him to the right... spot. Lucien's free hand tugged on the towel as he lowered himself, latching onto my breasts, kissing my chest.

My eyes looked down and found Lucien kissing his way down my body until he made it to my abdomen. His eyes looked up, the green in them glowing against the dim light of the room as he shot a devious grin my way. I gasped as his tongue came into contact with my slit. Fuck... I moaned, praying that no one else could goddamn hear that. I shut out everything in my head in that moment.

Lucien groaned against me as spread my legs further, my knees raised as Lucien grabbed hold of my thighs. The heat spread from my legs to my stomach as I swallowed and my neck arched back. I swear I could see stars as Lucien nuzzled my core and latched onto my clit. His tongue making sure to pleasure me where I was weakest. I gasped and one of my hands reached up against the headboard of the bed. Lucien took hold of my free hand and I looked down to find him placing my hand over his head. I bit my bottom lip and moaned at the sight of him, my fingers tangling themselves in his hair as I pushed him down.

Lucien smiled and I blanked as he sped up.

"Lucien... Oh... Shit... Fuck-" I felt my body tense up, my core building up in pleasure as my mouth froze and my back shot up and curled around Lucien who desperately held me in place. He groaned as I shivered and felt my eyes roll back. My hands scrambled to grab something and I found myself gripping the sheets as I fought the urge to scream in pleasure, my mouth agape as I felt my body come to a release. My body fell back and I watched as Lucien pulled away from my slit and went up to my face. I bit my bottom lip as he went for my neck and then I felt it.

"I want to watch you," he whispered against my ear sending shivers down my spine as he eased a finger into me. I gasped. I looked into his eyes and he growled as I pulled him down for a kiss. The two of us groaned as he eased another finger... My legs instinctively curled and tried to close but Lucien gently nudged them open.

I gasped as he looked down and smiled.

"So wet for me..." He said, his voice deep and filled with lust. I let out a shaky breath before I looked at him, my right hand reaching around his body, pulling him up to me. Lucien pulled his fingers away before he sucked them clean in front of me. I felt my heart race as I climbed over him, pushing him down.

"My turn," I muttered as my left hand took hold of his neck. I kissed the corner of his mouth down to his jaw as my right hand made its way down to his crotch. I smiled as I felt his body tense against my touch, my fingers tracing its path as I slipped my hand down his boxers. Lucien jerked as I wrapped my hand around him. I smiled before I kissed Lucien briefly and moved down to his crotch. I kissed his cock against his boxers, earning a satisfying groan from Lucien.

I hooked my fingers around the waistband of his boxers and Lucien raised his hips for me as I tugged them down. I laughed as he raised his body to speed up the process, his cock springing up and making me giggle even more. He was getting his boxers off his right leg when I wrapped my hand around his shaft and placed a kiss on the tip. Lucien groaned softly as I took him into my mouth. My tongue swirling around the tip before I took him even further, my hands beating down what I couldn't fit into my mouth. My chest welled with pride at the sound of Lucien's groans increasing the more I moved. I would release him and watch as his hips bucked in anticipation before taking him as far as I could. I moaned when he moaned. Enjoying the very pleasure I was giving him. I'd never been so thankful for having a bond as I felt his pleasure consume me.

"Auden, I-" He gasped as I pulled back slowly and sucked on the tip of his cock ever so gently. Lucien turned us over and pushed my legs apart, making me giggle as he looked down at me.

"Fuck..." He cursed as he looked at me. His eyes seemed to shamelessly devour every curve and crevice on my body. I spread my legs further apart for him my breathing slowed as Lucien reached towards the night stand. I giggled and Lucien growled as he fumbled with the condom – his fingers rushing as I used my right foot to trace his thigh with my toes. I bit my bottom lip as he returned to me, he positioned his cock right at my entrance and I felt my breath hitch.

"Don't tease me, Alpha..." I said as Lucien climbed over me. I could feel the tip of his cock nudge my entrance and I moaned. Lucien then used his free hand and tilted my head up to meet his gaze. I was about to speak up when he pushed himself into me and I gasped. Lucien closed his eyes and moaned.

"Shit, Auden..." He cursed and I felt my body buck against him. My mouth fell open as I felt every inch of him. Lucien raised himself off me and looked down, he moaned as he thrust into me and I felt my voice catch.

My legs curled around him, my body was begging him to move... And when he did – my vision hazed.

"Perfect... So... fucking... perfect..." Lucien gasped between each thrust. My hands curled around his arms as he pushed himself closer to me and thrust harder, deeper.... Faster.

I moaned his name, earning a growl and a satisfying groan. I couldn't focus. I didn't know where to look what to grab – I lost myself, drowning my thoughts in Lucien's scent, his body, the pleasure...

"Good?" Lucien asked, breaking my trance as he thrust into me. I could only moan in response as I arched my back, my body yearning for more. He chuckled before he raised my legs, before he pulled out and thrust straight in. I gasped.

"Better?" He asked and if I wasn't losing my head over his dick I would've smacked him. But I could only moan and half-scream my feelings as I bit my lip, trying to remind myself that we weren't alone in this damned house.

"Let me hear you, Auden..." He said as he grunted and I yelped as he kissed my neck.

"Fuck, Lucien, will you shut up and let me enjoy-" My voice died as he thrust into my sweet sweet spot. "Th-there... ri-right... th-there!" I practically squealed as Lucien kissed me, muffling my moans as he grunted.

"So... good..." He moaned and I wrapped my arm around his neck, my other hand gripping his back, digging into his hard toned skin. "So close..."

"Close... Yeah... Fuck..." I managed to say and Lucien chuckled as he sped up and my body jerked beneath him. My body was having a ride as I lost control of my movements. One minute I was moving to meet his thrusts and the next I was struggling to grab a hold of my senses.

"Gonna come..." Lucien said, half-yelping as he grunted and buried himself in the crook of my neck. I moaned as he kissed my neck and I felt myself lose all control as my feet curled in tension and my body waited for its release. I bit my lip and hugged Lucien closer as he raised his head and kissed me. We had to kiss in spurts as I struggled for breath and with one last thrust, Lucien groaned and I felt my hips buck. I couldn't think of anything. I could feel my body go on pause as I shuddered and let out a muted yelp that just hummed as I came.

By the time I came to, Lucien had just lifted himself off of me and pulled out... My body recoiled at the sight of him and I felt absolutely exhausted. And I don't even think we took that long. Lucien grunted as he took care of the condom, tossing it into a bin before returning to me. I sighed as he lay beside me and I instinctively nestled up to his chest, savoring the heat from his body as he covered us with a blanket.

"Are we still gonna talk?" He asked and I punched his chest only to earn a laugh from how weak the action was.

"Tomorrow," I said as I felt my eyes quickly fluttered shut and the exhaustion consumed me.    

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