Peggy Schuyler x Reader

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Promots: "H-hi" and "Please stop touching my hair.."

Special request: None

Ship or x Reader: x Reader

AU: Modern and timer soulmate

Extra note: It didn't specify, but for the story to be easier and make more sense, I made it modern and a soulmate AU.

Requester: Cola-Cats

Extra note: I hope you enjoy it! If it isn't what you wanted or you don't enjoy it, please leave a comment and I can change it or rewrite.

Word count without A/N: 733

Every person is born with a time on their wrist. Now, you may be thinking, what if multiple people have the same time? Well, there was more to it. When you turn the age 13 you get one marking, this marking being one of your interest. At age 15 you get another right beside the first, this was one of your soulmate's interests. These two markings overlapped slightly and are at the left top corner of the time. The time was exact, even having seconds. It was supposed to be when you meet your soulmate. It also had the month, year, and day. It isn't huge, but it's legible. At age 18 you get another marking, this one being your last. It was supposed to be a hint of where you were going to meet your soulmate. When you meet your soulmate the timer will start to disappear, and the markings will start to burn.

Peggy was always a hopeless romantic. She lived for romance movies and she loved roses. Her sisters had already found their soulmates, and she just wanted to find her's. Margarita decided to go a small coffee shop, she had been to many and this little one was still her favorite. What she didn't know is this trip would be a little different.

Margarita stood in line, smiling as always. She hadn't looked at her timer yet today, she wanted to act normal when she met her soulmate. You on the other hand had looked at it, and we're kind of freaking out. You were at work! You thought they would think you worked at a small coffee shop because you had nothing better to do. You were quite the nervous person, and sometimes it got the best of you. If you knew someone well you were usually fine, but then again not always.

Peggy finally got In front of the counter to order. You were behind the counter by the cash register and hadn't looked up yet. "I'll take a... caramel Frappuccino. Cold please, last time I ordered one it came out hot" Peggy spoke. You looked up to look at her, your wrist burning slightly. You looked down to your wrist to see the timer start to fade. When you looked back to Peggy she had a gleaming smile on her face. She didn't seem to be in such of a disarray as you were. "O-okay, that'll be right up" you spine quietly, voice cracking slightly.

You moved back to the making stations, trying to calm yourself. Was that really your soulmate? You got her her drink as quickly as you could, making sure it was everything she requested. Peggy went to get the change out, but you spoke before she could. "Don't worry about paying, on the house" you reply, setting the drink down. Peggy smiled, a light blush forming "Thank you!" She replies.

"When don't get off?"

"Half an hour"

"How about in half an hour we can meet at the park down a few blocks?"

"Y-yeah.. sure"

Peggy smiles before skipping away and to the door. You were pretty sure your face was bright red at the moment. You shrugged it off though and continued working. You were excited to spend time with your soulmate, but also nervous.

~Wittle time skip~

You had walked from the little coffee shop to the park, which was surprisingly harder than you expected. Peggy saw you and stood from one of the benches, waving. You smiled and made your way over. You could feel your hands sweat slightly, but you were smiling nonetheless.

"Hi! I'm so glad you came! So... what should we do?"

You shrug at this "W-whatever you want to do is fine" you spoke. Peggy stood there for a moment thinking before she spoke. "We could just walk and enjoy nature! Get to know each other!" She suggested. You nod at this, smiling slightly. "Yeah, sounds great"

~Bigger time skip~

It has been a few years since that day. Peggy and you had gotten married and have one amazing son, Stephen. You get along quite well with Elizabeth and Angelica and they seem to approve of you. Alexander and you have became very good friends. John Church and you get along fine as well, but aren't close. You couldn't be happier to be with your soulmate, and Peggy couldn't be either.

A/N: Finally got it out! Thank you for being so patient, and thank you so much for 273 views!

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