It seems so bliss, so peaceful, but all the blood and tears stain the smooth pale surface.
No words, beat, movement, or blink. Cold as winter ice. Lifeless as stone. So pale so younge.
At some point we all die. Not now not this way. Too late to stop and think, say, or do anything to change the future.
So little time to look back at the fun and enjoyable moments we kept stored in our minds and eyes.
Now I lay on the ground by your side dying as the time seems to fly by so, so fast. Nothing can stop the pain or hurt except for one more simple kiss.
I awake in a lonely white kingdom with no one around or to love.
Tracing my imprinted death is not what I was planning to do in the afterlife.
{I was watching Dateline on ID and I started writing dark poetry. Kind of bored if you can't see. XD}