Another Day Chapter 7

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*Y/N's POV*

As Hannah and I walk into the school I see Blaze but, I also see Ein. We are gonna have to pass him to get to Blaze. You start walking to get to Balze but Ein steps out in front of you."Hey Princess who is this with you?" Hannah shys away a little bit showing that she is uncomfortable around him."Ein I don't want to deal with you right now, may I please pass." You casually ask him. He does Not answer your question and turns to Hannah."Not comfortable around me sweetheart?" He asked Hannah. She started backing away from Ein as he walked closer to her. Suddenly she hit someone and made them topple over.

"I am so sorry for knocking you down I did not mean to do that," you hear her say."it's ok," a male voice says as he gets up off of the floor and helps Hannah up,"my name is Castor what is yours?" You expected Hannah to say nothing more but than you hear her say,"Oh my name is Hannah it's nice to meet you Castor, thanks for helping me up maybe we can hang out some time?" She asked blushing."Um sure I guess we can here's my phone number," he hands her a slip of paper," friends?" He asked."Sure we can be friends can't wait to hang out I have to go see you later Castor!" "Bye," he says as he walks away.

*Castor's POV*

As I walk away I feel my face heat up."hey sweetie wait up for me!" I hear my girlfriend Katherine yell. I stop walking to wait for Katherine to catch up with me. She runs up and jumps on me."Miss me?" She asked. "Yea I did how was your vacation," I asked trying to clear my mind but Hannah kept popping up in my head."Yea it was great and the cabin we stayed at had a beautiful lake, the only thing that could have made it better was if you were there." She said jumping up and down."Oh excuse me Katherine but I have to go to the bathroom you go to class, I will see you in 4th period." You explain to her."Ok sweet heart see you later, oh and make sure you don't talk to any girls, I dont want you to cheat on me," she said in a joking manor.

I get to class and sit in the middle row of seats. I look around the classroom waiting for class to start. Soon enough the teacher walks into the classroom with a short female werewolf walking behind him. As they walk to the front of the class I look at the new student and it seemed she looked familiar. At that moment I realised it was the girl named Hannah from the hall earlier. She walks up in front of the class."Hello my name is Hannah my sister is the alpha of the school you should know her it's Y/N, I like anime and swimming!" "Ha look at that loser how can she be Y/N's sister she looks so much like a loser," snickered a mifwa with black ears and tail and red hair, it was Sasha."Sasha you can shut your pie hole, there is no need to bully someone especially when they did nothing wrong." I said calmly."hmm, defending someone other than your girlfriend looks like you will have something to tell her after class," she shot back."Sasha I have no time for you, I don't know what you are talking about Hannah and I are just friends I helped her earlier this morning." I explain."That does not change anything Castor you better watch your back or something may happen to this poor little Hannah. Suddenly I se Y/N rush into the classroom."I swear Sasha if you dare touch my little sister you will not see the light of day," She snarled."Y/N your only 5 minutes older it makes no difference please stop embarrassing me," Hannah complained."aw but I want to protect you my poor little sister." Y/N said obviously joking."Just leave Y/N stop embarrassing me." "Fine little sis I will leave just tell me if anyone hurts you." Y/N Then walks out the door and goes back to her class.

*le time skip brought to you by whatever (I can't think of anything 😂)

*Y/N's POV*

As I sit down in between blaze and Dottie I see Hannah walking around the cafeteria confused."Hey Hannah," you yell,"we are over here come on I want you to sit with us!" She walks over annoyed with how much I'm embarrassing her."What is it Y- BLAZE, DOTTIE YOUR HERE Y/N WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME," she screams as she runs up to hug Blaze and Dottie."c-can't breath," Dottie says engulfed on Hannah's hug."Oh by the way guys I think Hannah has already made a friend his name is Castor and he is in most of her classes." You tease."Aw my wittle Hannah is growing up," Blaze states."Blaze, Y/N stop embarrassing me I have made friends so it's nothing new," she pouts as she let's go of Blaze and Dottie.

*Hey guys I'm sorry for how late this is also by the way updates will not be as often because I have marching band and school to worry about, my mom wants me to get all b's and a' s this year and that gonna be impossible In math for me so I'm dead this year. And I have to get homework finished before I get to be on my phone 😑. Other than that I'm actually excited to start school because other than band camp and getting the proformance that we are doing ready before the 31st I have nothing to do so school will keep me busy, the word count for this chapter is 1021 I hope you guys liked it bye my sweets!*

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