I honestly dont even know anymore...all i've ever wanted is to make music...im just so confused, everyone either thinks im lying, attention seeking or they dont know what to do when it comes to my depression...i've been trying so hard to try and improve somehow, be happier, more positive, but then i just get memories or i just start feeling like shit...the only way i can express myself is through music, i feel so free, so happy when im singing. Most people think i love Shawn Mendes because of his voice, his looks or something like that, but i love him because he's inspired me and so many others, he doesnt pretend he's someone else just because he's famous...he's just so...genuine, and thats hard to find these days, especially in music...
Anyway im thinking of leaving 'home'...i dont know when or how yet...but i just know that i have to leave soon, so if im not on as often and stuff its probably because im thinking of how or being my stupid ass depressing self.