Starnapped: Chapter 1 - The Realization

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"Thank the lord, it is finally time for bed" Marco thought to himself as he pulled out his drawer that kept his many pairs of the same pajamas. "I wonder if Star is asleep yet. I should probably go to check on her, I am supposed to look after her after all." he thought as he slipped into his blue pajama pants. Star had been surprising quiet that night. She went up to her room around seven o'clock to "practice spells", but everyone really knew she would just practice a few and then pass out from exhaustion. Just the thought of seeing Star half asleep, face into a book made Marco smile and giggle. She looks so adorable when she's asleep. The sudden comment his mind produced shocked Marco. "I'm not supposed to call my best friend adorable." he reminded himself as thoughts of Star and her feelings towards him flew through his brain. He shook the thoughts away and reminded himself of his mission. I need to check on Star.

Marco slipped his pajama shirt over his head and opened up his bedroom door. He walked down the hallway to the door of his best friend. He was about to knock when he felt a breeze from under the doorway. "Star never leaves her window open." Marco thought to himself as his mind filled with worry. "What if something happened to her? Is she ok?" Marco screamed in his head as he forced himself to quietly open the door. His heart sank.

The bed was messy and empty, which by itself was normal. Star was not very organized anyway. But as he scanned the room he discovered small drops of blood scattered randomly across the room. There must have been a struggle. Marco gasped with horror as he spotted an empty syringe lying on the balcony, the curtains surrounding it flowing in the wind.

Marco fell to his knees as a single tear escaped his eye, followed by two solid streams from each. He had failed. He was assigned to protect Star, be her companion, her guidance, and now she was gone. And it was all his fault.

Everything was dark. Star tried to move her arms, but they seemed to chained to some sort of hard surface. This realization filled her with fear. "Where am I? Where is my family? Are they safe? Where is Marco!"

"Don't struggle dearest, it will only make you more tired." spoke an unknown voice from the darkness. Star shook off her fear and spoke confidently into the unknown. "What do you want with me? I don't have my wand if that's what you are after." she spat, jerking her head around searching for the source of the voice. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot the light." spoke the voice as Star heard a snap in the distance. In an instant, Star could see again.

She seemed to be in an old, rundown cabin, which shocked her. She thought someone who had the nerve to capture a princess would at least tidy up a bit first. Her thoughts were quickly torn away from her surroundings as her captor stepped out from behind a wooden pole. Star's face filled with horror and disgust.

"Eclipsa." she whispered, barely able to speak out of shock.

"Yes dearest, it's really me. How about you come and give your old ancestor a hug?" she teased with a grin across her face. Soon after she said that though, the clasps around Star's wrists unlocked, leaving her free. Believing that the unlocking was just a brief error, Star took the opportunity to sprint at her captor with all the energy left inside her at that time. Her mind was clouded with anger as she quickly approached Eclipsa, a smile still plastered on her pale face. But then, suddenly, the evil queen flicked her wrist in the hair, and Star stopped in her tracks.

"You really thought it would be that easy? You are hilarious, Star. Now, let me say this again. Come and give me a hug." stated Eclipsa calmly, an evil grin constantly covering her pale, emotionless face. And just like that, Star was moving again. But not by her own accord. Star's body was waltzing closer to her old, creepy ancestor, arms out stretched, while Star's mind desperately tried to resist. "How is she controlling me? And why can't I fight back! I can beat an invincible lizard with a single blow, but I can't fight my old grandmother?" Star complained to herself, finally giving up on trying to resist her ancestors strong magic.

Dark thoughts filled her mind as she slowly crossed the room, depressing, sad thoughts. She really was helpless. Unworthy of such good friends. Unworthy of someone like Marco. As each thought quickly crossed her mind, Star felt tears building up in the back of her eyes, but quickly fought them back as she finally reached her awaiting captor.

"Now that's better. Now as flattered as I am that you so easily gave into my magic, I must ask you to sit back down." remarked the dark queen, flipping her wrist in a strange pattern. Just as Star began to study the pattern, she was flown across the room, right into the stone slab she was previously bound to. And with a short groan, she passed out. 

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