It Hurts.!

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Paris Point of View.!

I sat there and started looking at the ceiling.  I was in so much pain. I didn't just lose one baby.  I lost two.  I was having twins.  Two beautiful babies.  I had a miscarriage.  With all the blood I lost I figured it was a miscarriage but the fact that it was two babies. Two beautiful souls lost because I was too stressed and too dumb to come to the fucking hospital when I hate the chance.  God, I hate myself right now.  Everybody is in the room with me right now.  Stephen and Matthew have cried their selves to sleep in the chairs by the wall.  My dad is sitting next to my bed with my mom right next to him holding my hand and Avery is laying next to me sleep.  Missing anyone.  Yeah it's almost 12 in the afternoon and yeah still hasn't called or text me back or anyone else for that matter.  That made the pain ten times worst.  My own husband isn't in the hospital with his wife that just had a Miscarriage of his two kids.  I looked over at my mom and she mouth she loved me.  A tear rolled down my cheek.  Then the doctor walked in.  

" Mrs. Rodgers, " The doctor said before I cut him off.  " Just call me Paris, " I said annoyed at my last name.  " Mrs. Paris you can be released.  All we have to do is give you your prescription of Anti-Depressants and you're good to go " The doctor said.  " Thank you, " I said.  " Also you're still bleeding heavily from the loss of the babies so I will prescribe some extra pads.  The bleeding will slow down after a while " The doctor said. " Okay, " I said looking at the ceiling.  " Also company policy that we have to ask the other of the Babies if she would like to attend the Cremation ceremony for the babies.  You can have some time to think about it " The doctor said.  " No I don't wanna attend it, " I said. " Paris baby you have to it will give you closure, " My mom said.  " I don't wanna go alright.  Just do what you have to do " I said.  

" You can always just show up we will give you a call a couple days ahead of time just in case you change your mind, " The doctor said.  I just slowly got up and went to change into my regular clothes that my mom brought me.  After getting dressed I got my prescriptions and stuff and the doctor gave me a pack of those huge pads.  Then we left. I was walking to my car with the boys, my dad had Avery who has surprisingly been slept this whole time.  When I opened the door I saw all the blood.  My mom covered it quickly with a towel.  " We didn't expect you to get out so soon, " My mom said.  I shut the door and slowly walked away.  " Take Avery and drive her car back to the house and things.  I'll take her.  We will be there in a minute " My dad said.  I felt someone walking with me.  " Come on baby girl.  We will take me and your mom's car back to your house " My dad said.  I just walked and got into the car.  We started driving. 

August Point of View.!

I hate seeing my only daughter so hurt and so lost.  She's staring out the window barely attached to the world.  I pulled over at this little ocean shore view and we sat there.  " You wanna talk about it, or you going to keep blaming yourself for something that was in nobodies control, " I said.  " I just feel so stupid.  I knew something was wrong with the constant stomach pains and the constant headaches.  I just never had time to go to the hospital.  With the boy's practices and games.  Avery always needing attention and everything else for the boys.  I could never get away.  I should have made time.  I wish I could have " Paris said with tears falling.  " Why did you never ask me or your mom.  We are always here for you.  All you ever had to do was ask " I said looking at her.  " It's not y'all responsibility to be there.  It's my husbands.  Well, at least it's supposed to be " I said putting my head down.  

" Look the boys told me everything.  Yeah Keyontay fucking up and hell yeah I'm pissed but at the end of the day, I'm your dad.  If you ever felt like you were too overwhelmed to deal with life, you call me.  At the end of the day, you're my baby girl.  My only baby girl.  My first born and I know I messed up in some parts of your life but I need you to trust me now baby.  You come to me.  Do you understand me, because the scariest thing a father ever has to deal with is his son calling him telling him telling him that his sister is bleeding really bad and is in really bad pain " I said wiping the tears that had fallen?  " I'm sorry dad.  It's just hard " Paris said crying into my arm excessively. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. I was staying strong for my baby but man this is hard. " I got you baby.  I promise I do " I said kissing her head.  Paris ended up crying herself to sleep.  I drove her home and carried her inside.  After laying her down and making sure she cool I went back downstairs with the kids and Skyller.  " She okay, " Skyller asked.  " I don't know baby.  She's hurting " I said kissing her.  

" Why Y'all just now telling us that all this was going on, " Skyller asked the boys while feeding Avery.  " We never really knew what was going on, " Stephen said.  " Mom just told us last night what was really going on and that she's been super stressed.  We try to talk to Dad but he just doesn't listen.  We never knew she was pregnant either.  She kept it from us " Matthew said.  " How long has Keyontay's late night stay out's been going on, " I asked.  " For a while now, " Matthew said.  " At least 3 months I guess, " Stephen said.  " Look, Stephen, we think it's time for you to come home.  Your sister has enough stress going on and I don't no more pressure on her " Skyller said.  " What No " Stephen Exclaimed.  " Stephen, " I said.  " That's not fair Matthew and I are the only ones who help Paris out with the Avery and keeping the house clean and everything, " Stephen said.  " We will talk to Paris about it, " I said.  " Look your Uncle Dominic and Auntie Imogen are on there way down here to see Y'all so we will back later, " Skyller said grabbing our keys.  " We gone take Avery with us alright.  Just focus on Paris.  She needs anything get it alright.  Don't give her a hard time " I said. " Alright, " Matthew and Stephen said.  We grabbed Avery's car seat and stuff and left. 

Matthew's Point of View.!

Stephen and I decided to do something to make mom feel better.  So we grabbed our phones and chargers and stuff and walked to the store.  We bought lots of popcorn and chocolates and teddy bears and stuff for mom then we went back home.  We made dinner for her and then cleaned the house.  After that, we went upstairs into her room and watched movies until she wakes up. 

Alright, guys, I can't stunt I got super emotional reading this chapter.  I'm sorry for her lost babies.  Anyways who misses Dominic and Imogen cause I know I do. The next part will be up before tomorrow ends.  I hope y'all are enjoying it.  Aren't Matthew and Stephen super sweet?  Anyways Bye Y'all.  We will be back with more ( All Grown Up. The last Book. ) 

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