The Cold

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Fell had been running for what seemed like weeks even though he knew it had only been a few days, at this point Fell was just going to different places in the Underground.  Hotland,The Castle, even Temmie Village. Eventually, he somehow ended up back in snowed in. He then cautiously walked into grillby's and sat down. After a few seconds grillby saw Sans and walked up to him. "Hello sans, I wouldn't expect to see you here." Sans then looked up at the fire monster confused,"what do ya mean grillbz?" Grillby then pointed to a poster on the wall that said "lost skeleton, if seen report to the great and terrible papyrus ~mwah ha ha" and it had a picture of sans on it. "Shit" was all sans could say as he rushed out of the building into the heavily falling snow. "Gotta get out of here, gotta get out of here, where do I go? What do I do?" Sans kept running hoping that papyrus wasn't around, but that changed as he felt a sharp pain in his left leg. When he looked down his leg was bent in a unnatural way and it almost made him gag. So all he could do was lay there and pray to whatever was up there to help him and not let him die. "Papyrus I'm so so sorry" he croaked out as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness. "I love you baby bro".   [Mwahhaha I am the god of fucking with peoples emotions! Will sans make it? Will papyrus find a pile of dust with San's sweater on top? Or will a new savior get sans to safety?] Also I sorry the chapter is really short in running low on ideas ahhhhhh

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