Birds. (Prinxiety)

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I don't want to drive a fancy car today. I don't want to ride in a red corvette.

Anxiety didn't feel like doing anything today. Absolutely nothing. He just wanted to stay in his room, but at the same time he really wanted to go out and be productive.

I don't want to jog my Saturday away, but I don't want to go home yet.

He sat in a park swing, kicking his feet on the mulch. He didn't know what else to do. He very much felt like a child sitting on that swing.

Today is not the day to jump out of a plane. I don't want to parasail or play roulette.

So he just sat there in the swing. Pondering what else there was to do. He didn't feel like putting much effort into doing anything at the moment.

I don't want to risk it all, or go insane. But I don't want to go home yet.

It had started rained a little bit, so he pulled his hood above his head and took a deep breath while doing so. Anxiety had always loved outside when it rained.

I just want to watch the birds go by, from my handy foldable blue canvas throne.

Anxiety watched birds soar above him, wondering what it would be like being a bird. No problems, just high flying and less worries.

I wanna watch them fly and fly, and see them soar up into the unknown.

"Where do they go?" He asked in his mind. He knew he would never know where each one went, but he would always wonder.

But I feel just like a nerd, watching birds watching me here all alone.

Prince was invited to go with Anxiety, but he declined declaring that he was busy. It did hurt a little, him saying that. But Anxiety was used to being alone.

I don't wanna breakdance, or learn taekwondo. I don't wanna fish till all the fish are gone.

Anxiety has never a person for exercise. He quite despised it. So he never has interested in sports, or dancing in his alone free time.

I don't want to roller skate even if it's slow. I don't wanna pass out in a marathon.

No matter how much Logan has suggested to him he get his needed daily exercise and sleep, he never listened. He had better things to go than use his legs faster than usual and shut his eyes for hours. It was useless in his opinion.

I don't like soccer, baseball, track or field. I'm not up for a match of polo.

"Anxiety, go to bed. You need an adequate amount of sleep." Prince groaned. "Wow, pretty boy I didn't know you could use big words like 'adequate'." Anxiety shifted his eyes to him and rolled them. "Technically I would still be the superior if you count adequate as a big word, while I used it normally." Prince smirked. "Go away." Anxiety groaned.

I don't wanna seek or try to stay concealed. I'm also not up for water polo.

He remembered a day that Morality wanted to play hide and seek to help him get exercise. Anxiety refused and shook Morality's hand off of his. Morality gave him puppy eyes and looked like he was about to cry, so Anxiety gave in. He didn't enjoy it, but he pretended he did for dad-like trait.

I just wanna watch the birds up there, track the migratory patterns that they've flown.

He wanted to trace where to birds has began and where they would end. He wanted to know where they had been before, it always interested him.

I wanna watch them from my chair with my binoculars, my latte, and my phone.

Instead of watching on the swing, he laid on the slightly wet grass from rain. Prince had texted him, but Anxiety ignored it. All he wanted to focus on was the sky and where the birds were going.

Trying to spot a lark, in the park, parked in nature all alone.

He wanted to ignore Prince, because of his refusal earlier and how he was "too busy" to spend time with Anxiety. A tiny tear slid down his face. Maybe Prince didn't want to be with him anymore.

Alone here with the doves, and the sparrows, the ospreys, the owlets, the egrets, and my list.

He angrily wiped a tear from his face. He wouldn't let an ignorant prince ruin this for him. But another tear ran down his face, he didn't mean to insult him. He loved Prince, and was afraid to loose him.

It's just me and Mr. Finch, the robins, the king fishers, the snipes, though I heard they don't exist.

The dark trait again watched the birds in their circle, wishing his life could be as aligned as theirs. They absolutely fascinated him with their coordination. Birds never failed to amaze him in the sky.

Each little specie, in its own little way, can teach me what awaits you. If you can get away, I wanna watch the birds do what they will.

His life could never be so care-free. He always had something to worry about. That was his job.

Sorry if I'm ornithologically prone. I wanna watch from somewhere undisturbing, quiet, calm, still. Sit right here and gaze at the unknown.

He knew he wouldn't ever understand it, and that's what made it amazing. He never would want to actually live life as a bird, with all the flying. He just wished life could be as easy.

I don't wanna fly in the sky. I just wanna be alone. It's not a big deal, or anything, I just want to be alone.

When Anxiety was going to leave, someone laid right beside him. He saw the red sash in the corner of his eye, it was Prince. Prince leaned over and kissed Anxiety on his cheek, and hugged him. "I promise I'll always have time for you from now on." He said. Anxiety looked over at him for a couple of seconds, then crashed his lips into the others.

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