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My name is Jenny. When I was young my parents never treated me right. My older brother was my friend. I went to a lot of camps met many different people. I play many sports. But some things aren't as happy as they should be. My parents had a grip on me. The abuse I had in my past went on till recently. Which by the way I am fifteen turning sixteen soon. I have been mentally abused for years now. I was with a boy for almost a year. He was all I loved. His name was Jake. I loved him. He loved me. Then one day all of it changed. I am jumping the gun by a mile though. Let me go back. So I started highschool. I had no idea what was in store for me. I felt new emotions. Not positive ones I was down and sad a lot. Then I met this girl. Her name was Miley. She was dating this boy named Mark. For all the girls he wasn't a good looker so I never really bothered. Plus I had a "special relationship". Before I continue with school I will explain this. We were doing a long distance relationship. I seen him once a week. I grew apart. I stopped loving him. But he still loved me so I used that to my advantage..back to school I was talking to Mark. Him and Miley were having trouble with there relationship. So I was there for him. He was sweet. Funny and nice. Then one night he called me at Walmart. It was one in the morning I think. He was with his friend. I was with mine. He went home we talked for hours...I was ready to give up on life...untill...

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