Jimin One Shot

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I'm going to throw up," she shouted running into the bathroom. Scarlett shook her head. "How can you actually be sick on a today like today?" she sighed. This wasn't moving things along well and they were already running out of time.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous, it's normal to be nervous on a day like today you know," Heidi shouted back from the bathroom. The dress still hung on the hanger and the make-up was untouched. It was going to be a long day.

"How are you not nearly ready yet?" Jungkook sighed as he fixed his bowtie in the mirror. "I am, like I've half way there," Jimin said, running out of the bathroom trying to find his pants. "Yeah sure looks like it, I don't think the guests will appreciate you showing up there in your underwear," Namjoon laughed. "Haha," Jimin muttered as he found the pants and scurried back to the bathroom.

"I just wanna look good you know, it's kind of an important day," he shouted back. "It's only your wedding day, hardly a big deal," Tae said sarcastically. "And it's not like she hasn't seen you at your best and worst before," Yoongi added, putting on his suit jacket. They all cleaned up very well.

Jimin sighed and looked in the mirror remembering the day they met.


"Hi can I have a Carmel Macchiato," he asked the girl standing near the counter. "Erm... actually I don't work here," she said shyly. She had the cutest smile and he found it hard to focus on anything other than her lips until he glanced up to her eyes. Those eyes, rich in colour, that found a way into his soul. He could feel the breath leaving his body. "Oh, sorry," were the only words he could muster.

"It's okay," she said sweetly before her phone started ringing. As she walked toward her friends who had just walked in, he felt his heart leave with her. "Hey, what's your name?" he shouted to her as she turned taken aback. He waited in anticipation before she smiled at him. "Heidi," she said as she turned and walked away. He took a deep breath in and in that moment he knew she was going to be the one he spent his life with.

The next few weeks he had gone into the coffee shop religiously, waiting to see her again. The boys had gone with him too, they needed to know who was the girl that had captured their Jimin's heart. When she finally came back, he wasn't sure if she was real. Lost in the moment, he walked up to her. "Hey again," he said. She looked at him for a moment confused before she smiled. "I still don't work here," she giggled at him. Her laugh made him go weak. "It's a shame really, I know I would see you more if you did," he said biting his lip. Was the move too cheesy. She giggled again before taking out a pad of paper. "Well there is a way we can rectify that without me having to get hired here, here's my number," she said passing him the paper. All he could do was smile at her as time froze, their gazes locked together.

The next few years past quickly. There had been good and bad times, their jobs had taken them in different directions but they had always found a way back to each other. And now 6 years later, the day was finally here.

End of flashback

"Okay, I'm alright, let's do this," Heidi smiled as she sat in the chair so the make-up process could begin. "Good, because there is usually a schedule for these things you know, you wouldn't want to keep him waiting would you," Scarlett laughed. 45 minutes later she was getting into her dress and was stunned into silence when she saw herself. The corset gave her a lovely hour glass figure and flowed down past her feet. The back was low cut with white flowers that lined the train. She felt tears come to her eyes before the make-up artist gave her a strained look. "Yeah, don't make the mascara run," Scarlett said taking pictures. "Mementos," she muttered as Heidi gave her a frustrated look. "Let's get you to the church," Scarlett said linking arms with her.

There was no expense spared on this wedding. A breath-taking church wedding with 200 guests. Beautiful pink and purple chrysanthemums lined the aisle matching the bridesmaid's dresses. Jimin was already at the alter waiting for them to enter. The groomsmen locked arms with the bridesmaids, Scarlett and Namjoon leading the way. Everyone stood up as Heidi entered. Jimin felt his heart stop. She was indescribable. Even after all the time, she made his heart flutter.

She glanced up at her future husband. He always looked handsome but today he was perfect. Everything was more than she could have ever imagined. She stood beside him and their hands caressed each other as the ceremony began. The traditional speech was said and it was now the turn of the vows.

She cleared her voice nervously. "Jimin, these past 6 years have been more than I could have ever imagined. I don't know what made you want to find me again in that coffee shop but I am forever grateful for whatever it was. I know it hasn't always been easy but being next to you has been worth it. After all this time, you can still make me go weak just by looking into your eyes. I didn't know you could love someone as much as you do until I met you. Even though there are times when you drive me crazy and annoy me, being with you makes everything easy. You complete me and I know that I will never stop loving you, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you," she finished watching the tears form in his eyes.

"Heidi, when I first saw you in that coffee shop I knew in that moment I was going to marry you. I had a connection that I have never felt with anyone before, and I knew I had to find you again. Even if that meant stalking that coffee shop till you eventually returned. You drive me crazier than I ever thought possible but our crazies match and that's what makes us perfect for each other. I look at you every day and I know that I've found my one. My soul mate and that's what you are Heidi. My soulmate. Even when you leave your hair in the shower. I can't wait to continue our lives together," he finished as he wiped the tear away from her eye.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Jimin gave her a wink before leaning in to kiss her passionately. A huge cheer erupted from the guests. Jimin leaned in to her, nuzzling her neck. Their hands interlocked as they began their descent back down the aisle. He squeezed her hand and she glanced up at him. "I love you more," he whispered. "Than anything," she finished kissing his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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