Tag 2- Random Tag #1

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Tagged yet again! KawaiiKirbyStar haiii.

Password Wallpaper?

I just got into Voltron, which I love, Shiro is my faveee, and I'm only on episode 5 or season one which is sad but I like it!

Dog or Cat person?


Dreamer or Realistic?

Depends on the situation. You'd have to ask KawaiiKirbyStar TherealGamergeek spongebobrocks7222 ButterflyGracie pandachild140 about it. (Also my chosen tagged people)

Butterflies or nah?

Idk. Sure, they can be pretty.


My most major one is peanuts, tree nuts, and such. May change soon. I might take a test to see if I'm still allergic. Gold, dust, mold, and pollen are minor.

Favourite Flower?

Black roses. They're real, and specially cultivated.

 They're real, and specially cultivated

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Water or Soda?

Depends. If I'm feeling lazy, soda, ginger ale preferred, if I'm getting done with band, water. I'm actually chugging water right now cause I just got back for band camp.

Go anywhere in the world where would you go?

Maybe Greece or Rome.

A better question is if I was able to go into one fandom which would I go into?

In that case either Supernatural or Voltron.

My tagged people are stated above.

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