Chapter one

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if you guys like the story, ill update, i honestly have not even looked over this in about 6 years. so feel free to comment if there is any grammatical errors.

One day I was walking through the park on my way home like I always do I noticed something peculiar. It was a boy. He had long dark hair and wore dark clothes as I do. He seemed to be of my age and a bit taller than me. He was alone and writing something, and I like to also write so I asked him what he was writing and simply said ,"a book".

I replied,"My name is Xenoea and I like writing too." He said," My name is James." I sat next to him and scooted close to see what he was writing and it seemed to be a love story of sorts. Like one of those Nicholas sparks books the popular girls at school read. He asked,"Why are you so close to me.? No one ever even wants to be near my at my school." I said," it's the same for me at my school.. Every one avoids me like the plague. Like 'ohhh it's Xenoea run!!' Ya know..?"

"Yeah I do know how that feels like." He said. I pulled out my iPod and asked if he wanted to listen to music and he said," I don't know if you like my music." I played Black Veil Brides "Perfect Weapon" and he gasped and said, "You do like my music! It's so nice to have someone who likes my music." Then I said," No one at my school likes BVB or sleeping with sirens. It's nuts. And I hate not having any friends." He said, "It's weird having someone who likes the same music as me... Would you like to come to my house and talk more.?" I sighed and said," Sadly I can't. My dad would kill me if I'm not home by four and it's 3:45 now. I must go.."

He said," let me walk you home babe." I blushed at the fact that he called me babe. As we walked towards my house he said," I live right around the corner.. That's weird." "Cool." Getting nervous I said as we neared my house.

Little did James know that my father was abusive and made me do ALL the house work and my sister got to stand around and do nothing because she's a "cheerleader". I really don't see the big whoop about it.. Anyways James walked me to my door and said "see you tomorrow right..?" I said," of course!" Then I opened the door to my dad yelling," where have you been?! It's 4:02 and your late young lady!! You are getting a beating after you cook dinner and clean the bathroom. You little slut.. You disgrace to this family, I hate you." I said," whatever old man. I hate you too."

Then I walked to the kitchen and whipped up a chicken Marsala and rice and gravy for the family. Meaning my dad and sister. My mom died a few years back and after that he became abusive. And it's tolerable to a certain point. After than point it's just plain annoying. I wish I could beat him a time or two, maybe three.

Ha.. Anyways so after I got done doing the supper dishes I got the bathroom clean (I took a shower too). Then I went to dads room as instructed. It was kind of a normal thing for him to beat me, it's almost become numb to me. He walked in and said ,"take off your clothes." I said " hell no. I'm not stripping for you. Do a booty call for that old man" he slapped me and then began to rip off all my clothes. I screamed and no one came. I was trapped.

For once in a long time I was scared for my life. I took down the door and grabbed my clothes and ran to my room while he was in the bathroom. I went in and began to pack and open my window. I paused and locked the door to buy me a little time. Then I zipped up my bag grabbed my phone, iPod and chargers and jumped out the window. I ran to the park and found a bench and called 911. 10 minutes later the officers took pictures of my bruises and arrested my dad and sister for abuse charges. They asked if I had anywhere to go and I decided to call James.

"Hey James.. It's Xenoea. I need you to come to the police station and pick me up. I haven't been arrested. Just I'll explain when you get here ok? Bye." He texted that he would be there shortly. What he didn't tell me at the park is that he is 16 and has his own car and lives with his super chill Uncle Sam. He rolled up in a '67 camaro and said "splain" "my dad was abusive and tried to rape me and I ran always called the cops and they said I did the right thing and arrested my dad. And I have no family that'll take me in and so I called you." His uncle said," OMG Xenoea. Of course you can stay with us. You have a phone right?" "Yes" I said. "Cool Ill take over the bill and let James take you to get your stuff and you can sleep in his room until I finish the spare room." "Cool! Thank you SO much for taking me in!!" I said. "It's no big deal. I've always wanted a daughter!" He said. "Let's go get your stuff, yeah?" James asked. "Yeah." I said. So we hopped up in his camaro and drove to his house to get the truck and some boxes.

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