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I do believe in Magic

I do believe in Fairy Tales

I do believe in Heaven and Hell

I do believe that the earth is Round

And I do believe in Destiny

But one thing in this world that is hard 

to Believe, it is the word "FOREVER"

How many times I will meet someone 

who will break my heart over and over again?

I will LOVE, then I will be HURT.

I will CARE, then I will be CRY.

I will TRUST, then I will be CHEATED.

By then, I am afraid to LOVE.

Because nothing in this world is permanent.

So I ask you.

Do you Believe in Love?

Do you Believe in Forever?

Would You Risk your heart to love again?


Wahhh. Prologue done^^

I hope yah like it guys hahaha.

grabeh. Nosebleeding aku dito. 

Pro dont cha wori. TAGALOG po to.

Nagtatrying hard ang author na mag english..

Please leave comment and suggestions.

thanks for voting me hahaha jowk lang.

guys comment ah? LABS YOU ALL SAGAD SA SOUL :*

Waits sa next chapiieee. BAYIEEE :*

When a Hopeless Girl meets Prince GwapoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon