Chapter 7-Remember us?

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I can't believe this tzuyu, my tzuyu is here well not anymore but I talked to her for the first time in years.

I have to tell the guys.I ran to them panting from running

Jk:Guys *pants* guys

Jm:What is it junkookie

Jk:I *pant* Saw *pant*

J:You saw?



J:What? What girls,Jungkook you weren't flirting with girls are you?

Jk:What no I saw the girls our girls

Nj:Jungkook are you losing your mind



Jk:Im sorry hyung but I saw *sigh* the princesses our missing princesses the ones we lost years ago


T:How? Where? When?-

Suddenly our manager called us

Manager:Guys come on we have to go


Nj:We'll discuss this in dorm ok

Jk:*nods* ok


We turned around to meet-

Jm:You *points*

Tzuyu p.o.v

We all went into the car and the driver drove off.

Jungkook, I can't get him out of my mind I feel like I know him but from where

Ji:Hey tzuyu do you know Jungco- I mean Jungkook?

Tz:I don't know I feel like I've met him before

Mo:He looks familiar

M:Very familiar

We got back to the dorm and went inside, I ran and Jumped on the couch.

Tz:*sigh* Finally

S:*laughs* Yah save some space for me

Sana runs and jumps on the couch too.The rest went and sat on the floor except chaeyoung she was out like a light.

Ji:Today was tiring

Mo:Like always


Tz:Dahyun you've been quite lately are you ok?

D:Y-yeah its just I feel like after meeting jungkook I remember a guy


D:Umm well I think his name was Jinnie? No Jink?

Mo:You don't remember his name

D:No I do its just I can't think on an empty stomach

Ji:We can go eat

Tz:Yeah im hungry too

Mo:Ok,but if you remember tell us ok


M:Lets go

Tz:Chaeyoung come on get up *shakes chaeyoung*

Ch:Ughhh whyyy i waannaaa sleeepp

M:Come on sleepy head

No one p.o.v

Mina drags chaeyoung off the couch to the door.

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