ch. twenty-one

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I was trying my best to finish my algebra, but Ethan kept creeping back into my mind. Why was he so hard to read, but so easy to fall for?

I need a sign.


I looked at my phone screen and saw a message from Ethan. I felt my body drain of color. I was nervous.


i hope this isn't a bad time...

not at all.

good. i have to talk to you.
our communication lately
has been really iffy and i
don't really like it one bit.
so i say we ditch school
tmrw, and i take you on a
day on the town. just us two
and we can even act like we
just met. i can't lose you, h.
you're so fucking perfect...
gosh. you have no idea how
many times i talk and think
about you an hour. it's a lot
lol, but just be ready to have
a better day than the last few
you've had this week. i know
you're stressed. so i'm going
to help cure it. bc i really do
love you. i love you so deep
that i didn't think was even

I reread the message. Ethan doesn't give up. I sighed and began to type back.

ok... i love you too.
thanks for not leaving
me. it means a lot. it
really does...

Ethan read my message. I waited anxiously.

good. i don't want to
hurt you. ever.

I smiled and sent back a basic red heart. I looked up at my ceiling and thought to myself about these past few days. They were a pain in my ass.

Ivy and I argued. I can't make up my mind. Life is beating me left and right. I was still standing, but I knew it wouldn't be long until I was down for the count.

I rolled over on my side and opened my phone again. I hit on my conversation between Ivy. I saw she was typing. My heart leaped. I watched the bubbles. After about twenty seconds, they disappeared.

I frowned.

My screen displayed a banner with Wesley's name on it.


please forgive me for
all i ever did to you.
you don't have to love
me or anything, just
pls tell me you moved
on so I can too.

Wesley was so attached. He needed to really move on. I could do him a favor, as well as myself.

i forgive you, Wes.

thank you :)

I exited the conversation. Within seconds, I got another text from Grayson.

Are they all together? Are they pranking me?

I opened the text and read;

Grayson 😛

ivy won't stop talking
about you...

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