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CAUTION: Contains Suicide + Nudity (no pictures)

"Carson, listen. I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to do that!" I heard my ex girlfriend say from a distance. I turned around and looked at her. "No, Abbie. You can't just do that to me! I thought we were friends after all of this arguing but obviously not if you're just going to prank me all the time. You might think it's funny to prank people because you're so cool and think you're amazing but the truth is, you aren't! You're a stuck up, selfish, delusional bitch! And you really have to look in the mirror and stop thinking you're better than everyone else because if you look around no one likes you because you're such a BITCH. Now get lost and leave me alone before I do something I regret!" I stormed out of school, leaving Abbie crying in the dining hall. She has pranked me 5 times since school started again last month. I tried to hide my anger but I just let it out.

Once I got home I told my father why I left school. He told me that I could stay in the house on my own, because he had to go to work. Once he left I went to my room and just sat there playing on my phone. I went to Instagram and noticed that there were hate comments on Abbie's recent photo. The comments were like "Leave Carson alone you freak!" And there was one that said "Stupid slut! Stay away from Carson!" I felt really bad for her, because I didn't think about what I was saying. Since I'm the popular one, everyone must hate her. I have 28K followers on Instagram and she only has 453. I went to my story and wrote "Hey everyone, please go comment nice things on @abbielomas245 's recent post! Don't question it, please just do it." I clicked send and refreshed Abbie's page. Hundreds of comments came rushing through saying "you're so pretty" and there was a few saying "I ship you and Carson ;)" I smiled and then turned off my phone. I laid down on my pillow and went to sleep for a few hours.

When I woke up 4 hours later, Abbie had 3K more followers. I had a DM from her, she was thanking me for helping her. I told her I'm sorry for what I said today, and this is my apology. She sent one of those hearts that you send in the DM's and then said Thanks again. The next day at school, she pranked me again. "Are you kidding me? Why did you rip my homework? After everything I did!" She said she doesn't need me anymore, because she's ""famous"" now. She laughed and ran off. I had enough, it was time for me to take her down. I went home that day and went into my Instagram story again. I typed "Guys, don't question it please but I want you to me SUPER harsh on @abbielomas245 's recent post! Call her super bad names and make her cry!" I refreshed her page and saw extremely mean comments pop up. People were saying "you're so ugly!" And there was one in particular that stood out. Someone said "Kill yourself, no one wants you here." The comment had 38 likes. I felt a little bad, but she deserved it. She didn't really care about hate comments anyway, she's a strong girl.

When I went to school the next day, she was sat alone in the hallway, crying. I told her I'm sorry, but she deserved it. She stood up off the ground and slapped me. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I HATE YOU!" She stormed off in a bad mood. I felt really bad for her at this point, but I didn't go after her. I should have gone after her, because that day she shot herself in the head. I guess all of the hate just broke her, and drove her to this. She wasn't the kind of girl to let hate get to her, or kill herself. It's just not her at all, something was off. When I walked home that day,  no one was home, and it was dark. I tried to turn a light on but it didn't work. "Dad? Shannon? Alex?" No one was here. Suddenly, the door slammed closed and the lights came on. I wasn't home anymore, I was in a bright, squared room. "HELLO?" I yelled. A hole started to form in the floor of the room. I wanted out of here so I was gonna jump into the hole but someone with a black cloak on flew up out of the hole and stood in front of me. "You are Carson, right?" The deep voice said. I said Yeah. "You are here today because you caused a suicide, didn't you?" I looked at the masked figure and said "I didn't cause it. That was her choice." I said, arms crossed. "No. It wasn't her choice because she didn't kill herself. I shot her and made it look like a suicide. Just so I could have an excuse to get you here." The figure said. "Are you gonna kill me?" I asked. "No. But there are a few challenges you have to do that could kill you. And if you complete the course, I'll bring back Abbie."  I stood there in shock. "Okay. I'll do it. What are the rules?" I asked, arms still crossed.

"Well first of all, to make the challenge harder, take off your shoes." They said. I did what they said and took them off. "Why does no shoes make it harder?" I asked. "I'm not done yet, take off your socks." They demanded. I took off my socks and started to sweat a little. "Okay, now your jacket." I took off the jacket and threw it on the floor. "Now your shirt." They said. "This isn't enough? Come on, let me go." I said with a shaky tone. "Don't you want Abbie back? No?" They laughed. I gave them an evil look and took off my shirt. "Okay? So? The challenge?" I quickly added. "I'm not finished! Your jeans, take them off." They giggled. "Who are you? And why do you want me?" I asked politely. "That's not important right now. Your jeans." They said, arms crossed, mocking me. Their voice was distorted, like the scream mask guy, so I had no idea who it could be. They were holding a golden machete, so I couldn't run away or try to mess with them. The machete had stained blood on it, so I wasn't gonna chance anything. I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down, leaving me in my underwear. "Okay, can I get to the challenges now? I just want Abbie back, then I can leave." I said. "NO! Underwear now please. Final chance." They yelled. I didn't want to get naked, but they had a machete! I had to do it so I just did, I got naked. "Um. So the challenge?" They were staring at my 'area'. "HELLO?" I shouted. "Oh, sorry, yeah. The challenge is down this hole. When I vanish, you must jump down this hole and into the first room. There will be a note in this room, along with a few other things. Be prepared to bleed, vomit, and possibly DIE. Bye!" The cloaked figure vanished, along with my clothes.

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