Birthday Problems pt2

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I sit in Ema's room looking at all the photos.

"Have a big family is so cool." She smiled.

"Yeah." I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Well if you ask me I say this house is too rowdy." Juli said.

I reach over Ema and poke his furry white cheek smiling, "Good thing we didn't ask." And he smacked my finger away.

"But its still fun, even if it is rowdy." Ema giggled, "ya'know like throwing birthday parties for each other."

"That would be fun..." I sigh.

"Compared to your dad and Ali yea, they're almost always gone elsewhere for all your birthdays." Juli said and I pouted.

"Hey! I sent gifts and I try! And dad sends postcards and things! He may not have been here but we have lots of good memories with dad!" I defended myself and dad.

"Living in a crazy house like this though its exciting!" Ema flipped through more pictures.

"I'll have to agree to that." I giggle.

Ema looked around and looked at us confused, "Um where's my phone?"

"Did you leave it in the living room?" I ask.

"Probably." She sighed.

"Lets go get it." I get up and she followed me and Juli jumped onto her shoulder.

We head back to the living room and when we got to above the stairs it was still lit up and we could hear some of our brothers talking.

"Man, I would've killed for her to make me a cake."

"It was good."

A phone started ringing and we walked up to the railing. And looked down at our brothers.

Subaru's face was red and he looked at Tusbaki upset while Tusbaki's arm was over his shoulders, "What! That's not true! So shut your mouth!"

"Don't be so overdramatic. So tell what do you think about them?" Tusbaki asked.

"What I think about them? Ema and Alice?" Subaru looked at his lap. And honestly I was very curious.

"Too embarrassed to say?" Tusbaki moved his arm and crossed them over his chest, "that proves I was right that they were on your mind."

"You're so far off man!"

"Oh yea? Then why are you so distracted?"

"Ya'know its um.. To be honest they're pain in my ass!" He finally said and heard Ema gasp in shock and I growl a little. No one hurts my sister, physically, emotionally, or otherwise. Subaru continued, "Its been just us guys all this time and suddenly these girls show up outta nowhere and... And its like I can't even act like normal... I mean what if I wanna walk around the house naked... Alice she's just...shes just weird and bipolar and makes me uncomfortable... And Ema sh-"

"If that's how you truly feel I can take ema and we can live somewhere else!" I growl and they all look at me shocked. I head down the stairs and walk straight up to the table grabbing Ema's phone I glare at Subaru, "I understand why you have a problem with me but I will not forgive you for hurting Ema. Ever. So if us being here is such a problem for you, we'll leave."

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