A few days later Miranda shook the sleep from her body after a late night of unwanted thoughts. A handsome smile filled her inner eye and disturbed her peace. Deny it as she would, the sore feeling in her heart was connected to a man. A man she was unworthy of even thinking of. But the smile. And the eyes. And his voice. Not to mention the way he held his body. And oh for shame! That body! Miranda blushed to herself as she met her own dilated pupils in the mirror.
He was the king. She was in no position to be so enamoured with him.
But he occupied her mind.
And she had to admit her heart felt achy and tender just from thinking about him.
She sighed deeply and went to have breakfast with an already excited Sofia at the small table in the small kitchen.
Miranda looked around her small flat.
It was sat above her workshop and held a kitchen, a lounge and the luxury of two bedrooms.
She had always thought it was cosy, but this morning it felt cramped.
Especially as she bumped her hip on the kitchen counter when moving between the table and the bread box.They went downstairs and Miranda opened the shop door, sending her daughter out to find her friends. The village was small enough for Sofia to be safe, but Miranda always felt a sting of worry when her daughter ran out on her own.
“Be home for lunch!” she called after the disappearing child, not sure if she'd heard.
Her eyes followed the child.
“She's safe, Miranda. You're lucky to have such a happy child,” Mrs Drummond next door smiled and turned her sign to open.
Miranda followed the example and smiled at the neighbour.
“I know. I just worry. She's all I have,” Miranda smiled.
The old lady gave a warm chuckle.
“You have more love in you than anyone I know. I wish you could find a man and have more children to call your own,” the wise old lady smiled.
Miranda simply nodded. Life on her own was lonely and the thought of a larger family warmed her.
“Perhaps a widower with children? You are the kind of woman to love them as your own,” the woman next door smiled.
She shook off the image of two cheeky twins from her mind. Mrs Drummond was right. She would love any child in her care.
“Let me know if you find someone suitable,” she laughed at the older lady.
Before she could turn and walk into the shop the sound of the newsboy came along their road.
“Latest news! Read the latest news! King Roland of Enchantia has declared his intention to marry!” the boy hollered.
Miranda suddenly felt dizzy. Her face felt pale and stiff like a mask and she had to focus to give a nod when the woman next door cheered that it was about time.
“King Roland admits to secret meetings with a potential future Queen!” the news boy hollered while people rushed to him to buy the paper.
Miranda heard the enthusiastic chatter along the road about how he had been on his own for so long and a queen would be great for him.
But her heart felt hollow and limp.
“Excuse me… I need to open the shop!” Miranda muttered abruptly ignoring the neighbourhood joy.
She went into her shop, stormed out into the back room where hot tears were finally allowed to fall down her cheeks.
She knew.

Becoming A Queen.
ФанфикMy young daughter has been watching a lot of Sofia the First on Disney Junior. The story is very straight forward. a marriage between her shoemaker mother and the King made her a Princess "overnight". My question, while watching this, is how did t...