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THIS story will not contain smut. This is a contest entry

I hope you enjoy this book. Personally, I've been inspired by books and movies to do this so I've attempted to make a few twists and tweaks here and there-and I do hope you all enjoy this!

(Btw this will be in an omniscient point of view-aka 3rd pov).


*・゜゚・*:....:*'(**)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

It had been a tranquil Saturday morning for Arthur Kirkland.

Everything had gone as planned as his normal Saturday routines would go.

Wake up, enjoy a cup of tea-and head to the local bakery and get some scones, return, water his plants, do some chores, eat once again, and craft anything up until dinner. Then, he'd have a shower and read a book until bedtime.

"Seriously Arthur," rambled Alfred. "I know you're my brother and all but did you seriously get fired from that cafe?" He asked not even giving Arthur an opportunity to speak, "How long have you worked there? 2, 3 years?-"

"-6 years, Alfred." Arthur interrupted softly after he took a sip of his tea.

"Oh then I guess it would be kinda hard finding a job, right?"

Arthur sighed, "I don't know what you mean, Alfred. Finding a job as the Monet's isn't that simple-"

"Well you should try that castle building nearby!" Suggested Alfred.

Arthur raised an eyebrow, "Alfred...Where are you taking this...?"

"They're hiring! They've got this sick dude and he needs a a caretaker. I hear that the job is paid pretty well. Plus, it's closer to home than Monet's cafe! Like walking distance!"

Arthur purses his lips. Could this work? Whatever Alfred was talking about actually seemed like it could work.

"How in the world did you even know this?" He asked in disbelief.

"Easy! You know Elizabeta? Yeah, she's friends with the nurse that takes care of this guy-but on the night shift. So they need someone to take care of him during the day. See? Doesn't that seem perfect?!"

Arthur shrugged. "It does sound well. But do you really think they'd accept someone like me?"

"God I don't know! That's what interviews are for, Arthur!"

"Alright, Alright!" Exasperated Arthur, "Do you know how I can contact them?"

Alfred pulled up a sly grin. "I actually do," he said as he pulled out a card from his pants.

"You had this planned out, didn't you?"

"Well...I was planning on telling you-but to your luck-they fired you because they couldn't afford to pay your salary."

"Don't remind me." Sighed Arthur. "Alright. I'll call them and schedule an interview but..."

"But?" Trailed Alfred.

"I don't have anything as presentable to wear-"

"Is that all?" Alfred laughed. "Dude, you know I got you covered! After all, Elizabeta's boyfriend is owner of that suit shop nearby! I think is name is Roderick? Or maybe Roderich? I don't know but I'll hit them up-"

"Don't you think that's a bit...I don't know, too blunt?"

"Not when it comes to this. Now come on." Alfred rushed Arthur from his chair. "We've got to get you ready."


As much as Alfred fought with Arthur, he finally got Arthur to wear the suit he wanted because Arthur apparently had 'a ridiculous taste' in fashion. Arthur agreed to wear a dark blue navy suit with a squared stripped shirt and a gray tie. But of course, Arthur wore these (what his friends wouldn't say) ridiculous socks.

"So you're here for an interview? Do you have any experience?"

"I sure do." Answered Arthur enthusiastically. "I'm ready to learn anything."

"That's good... Would you like to see your patient?"

"My patient?"

"Well you want the job, don't you?"

"I sure do."

"Then follow me. He'll be delighted to meet you."


Apparently, this man lived in his own "apartment" he had his own special bathroom-since he was disabled, he had a special shower and bed. According to Matthew, his younger brother, the man was paralyzed from his collarbone to his feet.

"Okay Arthur, this is Francis." Said Matthew as Arthur somehow stood with excitement.

As the door opened, he saw a man. Maybe 3 or 4 years older than him with an unshaven beard and tired eyes. The two men stood in silence for moments until Francis twisted his neck, popping a double chin and made loud groans-almost as if he was a zombie.

Arthur stood in surprise. Was this his new patient? Was his disability that bad?

"Francis...you can stop now. You're scaring him." Commented Matthew.

"Oh, my apologies for scaring him." Answered Francis in a sarcastic tone. "I'm Francis. And as you may be aware, I'm disabled."

Arthur nodded. Still surprised on how straightforward he was. "I'm Arthur." He said as he brought his hand to shake his but stopped in the process.

He couldn't shake his hand. Or fist bump, or high five it, because he was disabled.

"Oh-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Oh nothing to worry about." Laughed Francis in a dead sarcastic tone. "I've lived like this for almost 3 years now. You don't think I've noticed? Or do you think I'm too disabled to realize that?"

"Francis." Warned Matthew. "Let me talk to Arthur and then I'll get back to you."

"It was nice meeting you, Arthur." Answered Francis in sarcasm once again.

How much sarcasm could this man use?

"It was nice to meet you as well." Greeted Arthur back.

After that encounter, Matthew said he'd call him a few hours later to tell him if he had gotten the job or not.

Much to his dismay, he was actually accepted.

For the rest of that night, Arthur couldn't stop thinking about this man named Francis. Maybe he could try to make his stay a bit more pleasant ? After all, he was a Kirkland .

That's my first chapter! What do you all think?!

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