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"So you arrived, huh?" Was the first thing Wy said as Arthur entered the kitchen with another pair of his ridiculously colorful socks and tie.

"I sure did; and I'm ready to work."

Wy nodded, "Alright. So let's start off with his medications then."

Arthur gulped.

"Okay those by the left, you give him twice a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays after lunch and dinner. The ones next to those are given Mondays-3 times a day. The ones in the far right are painkillers if he ever needs one. The one in the blue is used for if he's feeling nauseous. The one in the middle should be given to him whenever he's feeling faint and a tad big of fatigue but that's about it for now mate. My night shift is over and I'm beat. I'll see you at 8."

"...Cheers," said Arthur faintly before Wy left. How much information was there?

Arthur shrugged it off and headed for Francis' room.

"Francis," he began, "Are you in there?"

"Oh no," replied a sarcastic Francis. "I'm in America. Where do you think?"

Arthur shrugged. "Hi. I was hoping today would be easy. I'm Arthur if you still remember and I know you're Francis and-"

"-And you know about my disability. Yeah that's mostly it." Francis finished off.

Before Francis could say anything, a knock came from the door.

"I'll get it!" Said the Britt.

To his surprise, he found a woman around his age who wore a floral blue dress and beside her, stood an auburn man with green eyes.

"Hello. Is Francis here?" Asked the woman.

"Yes he is. I'm his nurse. Who are you if I may ask?"

"We're close friends of Francis."

"Alright then. Please come in."

Arthur led the pair on their way. It's a good thing he has friends...thought Arthur. Maybe they could all do something together...

"Francis!" Called Arthur. "You have some friends over who wanted to see you..."

"Friends?" Asked Francis as he came in view as he entered the room with his chair only to see the pair holding hands.

"(Girl name)," he greeted. "Antonio. What brings you two here? It's been some years after the accident and I haven't seen you since that one time you visited (girl name)."

"Well Francis," Antonio began. "We wanted to tell you something..."

"-We're getting married!" Answered the woman.

Arthur froze. He could feel some bad blood or tension. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good feeling...

"Yes. And we wanted to invite you. Maybe you can bring a date? How about a girlfriend?"

Francis bit his inner cheek.

"Arthur." He said sternly.


"I want you to leave right now. I don't care where you go-just go to a room and wait for me to call you. Understand?"

He nodded. "Yes Francis."

Arthur left immediately. However, he was still disappointed since he wanted to know who these friends were and why was Francis so...upset...?

Luckily, Arthur found a room which had a big bed, and some frames of what seemed to be...Francis?

It was him! He was different... He was snowboarding in one photo, jumping off a cliff on another, and in the third appeared Antonio and (girl name). However, Francis was in the middle happily kissing (girl names) cheek while Antonio flashed a thumbs up.

"You can snoop around my room if you want to." Said Francis dismissively. "They left. And if they ever come here, tell them not to bother."

"Was that your..."

"Girlfriend? Before the accident? Yes. And that guy you just saw? My ex best friend. Funny how friends can be, no?"

Arthur shook his head. "I don't think it's funny. I think it's sad and disrespectful that they did that to you and left you. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say my thoughts but he's not your friend or her if they didn't visit you till you got better. Those aren't friends."

Francis exhaled deeply. "Well you seem to catch up on things quicker than I thought. Good for you." He said before leaving.

"Wait!" Arthur yelled. "Where are you going?"

"To be alone." Replied Francis in a dead voice.

"Oh no. And thinking about that? No. How about we watch a movie to cheer you up?"


"So by 'we' you mean 'I' as in Im watching the movie." Stated Francis as Arthur grabbed a nearby movie.

"Well it's my job-"

"I want you to watch this movie with me." Replied Francis as he held a movie in his hand.

"But this one is in Spanish. I don't know Spanish."

"That's what subtitles are for. What? Are you insulting my taste of Spanish films?" Questioned Francis.

"I'm certainly not! It's just that I find it useless reading along a movie..."

"Let's make a deal then. You watch it, THEN you can judge it. Okay?"


"Then it looks like we have a deal, Mr.Bonneyfoy."

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