Chapter Three

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"So how was your night, Dizzy Izzy?"
I frowned at my reflection in the bowl of milk and cereal.
"If you call me that one more time I will fling my Lucky Charms at you."
I said, scooping up a few bits of cereal and balancing my spoon against the bowl, as if preparing to launch it across the table at my brother,
"You know I'm not afraid to."
I hissed, narrowing my eyes.
He looked away, his smile fading.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
The reason 'Dizzy Izzy' was apparently my new name, was that Auri had gotten me more than drunk last night, and when my brother had come to check on me this morning, Auri told him everything after running into him on the stairs.
There were a few moments of silence as I stared into my bowl while playing with the cereal with my spoon.
Then suddenly Teddy pushed his chair back and stood up.
"Right, well I'm off."
I didn't bother making sure he heard me whisper my answer, I was far too tired. I didn't even bother watching him walk out, though I did hear the door shut loudly.
I sighed rather loudly and kept munching on my Lucky Charms, too busy to notice the strange person sitting on the fire escape.
"Four years ago on this day, I learned that men with beards have eggs inside them."
I spat a little milk as I choked on the Lucky Charms in my mouth when I heard the voice. I turned to look at the source and cause of the mess of milk and cereal, and there, sitting on the fire escape right outside my window, was a man. He had a thin face and large amount of very long blonde locks of wavy hair. He had a small beard right on the tip of his chin. He seemed to be at least in his forties. His large blue eyes were fixed onto the page of a notebook, a very used and old looking notebook. I then realized he was reading something from it.
"And when the eggs hatch, out come a bunch of little men with big hands. On each finger there is a key which can unlock the door to the brain of the bearded men."
He stopped and shut the notebook. He turned around and stared right at me.
"I have to write more, but how do you think it is so far?"
He asked me. He was staring directly at me with what seemed to be hope in his light eyes.
"It, huh," I looked around myself, anywhere but at him, feeling just slightly uncomfortable. "It's great."
I said, nodding and attempting to smile.
He sighed and smiled, closing his eyes as if relieved.
"That's what I thought."
I raised an eyebrow but then decided that maybe if I kept eating my cereal like nothing had happened, the strange man would go away.
"I'm Johann Broque."
I looked back at him. He was now facing me completely as he sat on the fire escape with his legs crossed.
"I'm Izzy Hall."
"Ah, Izzy. Nice name, man."
He smiled.
"We're gonna be great friends, bro."
I had to fight to hold back a small giggle.
"Okay, sure, why not?"

P.S. Johann's story actually belongs to a friend of mine.

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