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You sat on the couch, hugging your knees, and feeling dead inside.
Tom walked downstairs and saw you, "Y/N... you ok?" he reaches to hug you but you get up and walk off "I'm just.. im just gonna.. gonna go out for a bit."
You say with bags under your eyes, ever  since that fire you've been more tougher and more mean than you used to be. You never sleep anymore, witch was totally unhealthy, and you had an addiction with coffee because it kept you awake. "Y/N look I know your house got burned and everything but you need to stay here, it's late-" you interrupt him "what are you my fucking dad?" You snapped " I'm fucking aware that my life's gone to SHIT, YOU DONT NEED TO FUCKING REMIND ME" you yell looking angry. "Y/N I fucking care about you! Your hurting yourself by never sleeping!" He yells back edd and Matt come down stairs "Y/N... please... he's right you need to sleep-"
"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm done with all this bullshit! Everything I have has turned to ashes and you fucking expect me to be all happy?" You yell back at edd. You quickly grab your coat and try to walk out, tom grabs your arm "STOP THIS NOW Y/N-" you rip away from his grasp and run out the door in the pouring rain.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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