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Note: Smuts with Switch!Lisa and Switch!Jennie. Enjooooy.

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The first half of the year is in full swing for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students are pouring into the dining hall, talking about how excited they are for the upcoming quidditch match, their anxiety for the latest potions test, and the crazy amounts of drama that Jennie Kim is getting herself into.

The Gryffindor table specifically is rambling on and on about the Seeker and how McGonagall is going to mount her ass on a wall after she catches wind of Jennie’s prank on an unsuspecting Slytherin. While her housemates whisper and nudge each other about what’s going to happen to her when the headmistress finds out, Jennie is too busy focusing on other things to pay the gossip any mind.

Jennie’s attention is trained on her girlfriend who is at the table to the left of her, the Ravenclaw table. Her silver and blue tie is hanging loosely around her neck and she doesn’t even have her robe on, exposing the perfectly starched, white blouse she wore. Jennie can’t help but drool at Lisa as she tousles her hair and helps the first year beside her with his homework.

Lisa is gorgeous, probably the most gorgeous girl at Hogwarts, with her long, blonde tresses, porcelain skin, and her chocolate doe eyes. Jennie often times thinks that Lisa has to be at least part Veela due to all of her inhuman beauty.

But, she knows that to be false because she is one of the most known pureblood witches in Hogwarts–the opposite to Jennie who is half muggle and half witch. While the difference in blood purity doesn’t bother the two, or most of the students at Hogwarts, it does bother a certain Ravenclaw–Niki. Niki is a sixth year student, just like Lisa and Jennie, and like Jennie, had the privilege to call Lisa hers. However, after their fifth year, Lisa and Niki were no more.

Seeing Lisa with another girl is one thing, but seeing her with Jennie–who she believes to be a filthy mudblood–is another. It makes her blood boil when she sees the two of them so much as hold hands. Lisa deserves so much better than some mudblood troublemaker. She deserves Niki.

And God forbid if she sees them kiss. Her ex-girlfriend tainting her lips and letting the annoying Gryffindor touch her gets to Niki more than she can explain. It should be her touching Lisa like that, hands intertwined and lips on her neck. Jennie most definitely hasn’t done anything to deserve Lisa’s affection, so why does she have it while Niki is left alone?

Niki regrets breaking up with Lisa every day of her life. She misses kissing her in the mornings, falling apart at her touch, cuddling in the common room, all of it. She misses it every day and she dreams about the past, it’s the only time that Lisa is still hers. Every day, she wishes that she could be Lisa’s again, to be able to go around and kiss her whenever she wants and to hold her hands walking down the halls. When she tries to remember the reason why they broke up, it seems insignificant, surely not good enough reason to break the best relationship Niki’s had. And now it’s biting her in the ass because Lisa has moved on to someone who she hates and now she has to watch them flaunt their relationship.

Niki has, time and time again, become a surveyor to Lisa and Jennie’s relationship. Whether it be intentional or not, she’s seen them cuddle in the Ravenclaw dorm and kiss in the blonde's bed and hold hands down to the Great Hall.

The worst thing though, isn’t that Lisa is with someone else, no, it’s that Lisa is with Jennie Kim of all people. Jennie is the bane of Niki’s existence. With her annoying gummy smile and feline brown eyes, and that fucking smirk she always has on her face. It makes her furious.

It’s like she knows that she’s one of the most troublesome people in Hogwarts and it bothers Niki to no end–that this mudblood just thinks she can just cause trouble and get away with it. It’s a mystery to her why Lisa is with Jennie because Lisa loves rules, people who follow rules, and people who make them. But Jennie, she lives without authority, without laws and no abandon.

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