8: What It's Worth

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What It's Worth



Audrey knows who she is and what she wants. She's spunky, determined, and doesn't do fake. All she wants is to start her college experience problem-free and hopefully manage to stay awake while doing that. Making friends, going out, surviving classes, and drinking lots of coffee are really all that her agenda entails. For Audrey, though, things don't usually go as planned. Audrey finds herself trying to change to fit in, taking on unexpected challenges, and making a handful of royal mistakes, all for a boy. Is it worth risking everything for love?


My Thoughts:
This is a story with potential, although it could be edited and is short, the story so far is very relatable to any college graduate/student. We all go through changes in our life, big or small, but I have a feeling the choices that lead to those changes will make this an interesting read.

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