Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


There was one thing that Willow learnt early on in her life. And that was not to waste time trying to please people who clearly would never have interest in you.

She had spent way too much time changing herself, trying to be a different person, and all for the hopes of pleasing someone else. Her time was wasted. She’d learnt that the hard way.

But there was something Willow could not comprehend, and that was everyone’s fascination with the ‘newbie’. She was told that he was the kind of person who broke your heart and expected you to pick up the pieces.  By the end of the day she had heard practically everything there was to know about him; including his name. Noah, it was a strange name, one that Willow couldn’t help but like; and one that didn’t seem to fit the likes of a popular player.

“Rest, comfort,” the meaning of the boy’s name rolled off Willow’s lips like second nature. She’d always had an odd obsession with names and whether their meaning reflected one’s personality.  She wondered the same for Noah.


It wasn’t until a rainy afternoon, later that week that Willow boarded a train that would lead her towards her future.

It was during Math class when Willow had the pleasure of meeting the Noah Bartlett. True, Lola had rattled off a load of facts about Noah (that she had impressively memorised) but Willow had never been remotely closer than 50 meters from him.

She heard him, before she saw him. Noah’s loud footsteps stomped through the carpet, trudging to the only empty desk in the class, next to hers. An involuntary sigh escaped Willow’s lips, curling its ends and drifting upwards towards the ceiling and away from the encounter that was soon to take place. The sound of the chair dragging against the floor was like nails on a chalk board. It moaned as if even it was reluctant to move.

His presence next to her was so overwhelming; Willow had to blink a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Noah’s skin was buzzing like he was filled with thousands of electric charges or something equally as ludicrous as that. He radiated heat, making Willow wonder if she were to be zapped if she touched him. She felt as though she was next to a celebrity, he had that famous vibe.

An all-too-familiar feeling crept its way in Willow’s stomach. There was a familiarity in the way she felt sitting next to Noah. It reminded her of him.

Immediately Willow snapped her gaze away from Noah and tried to block out the queasy ache in her stomach. Her chocolate eyes squinted as she concentrated on the math equation written on the board in front of her. The numbers seemed to jumble, moving in and out of focus. It was like someone had put her mind on high speed tumble dry, the way her thoughts spiralled out of control, with the odd ones pounding against her head demanding to be released. She instantly felt ill. And weak at the knees. It was an odd and extremely uncomfortable experience.

Willow copied the equation in her book; before looking back up at the board in confusion. Trigonometry had never been her thing. In fact, Math had always proved to be a difficult subject.

The numbers loomed in front of her, as if to taunt her. A frown overtook her face as she stared at a number on the board, was it a 5, or 6? The number seemed to shift from one to another, proving difficult to read.

Just when she thought nothing could get worse, the laws of universe went against her. As Willow reached for her eraser to change her 6 into a 5; her pencil flung out of her hand, skidded right across her desk before hurling itself towards the ground. Willow watched in complete horror as the pencil landed with a loud clatter, right underneath Noah’s chair. Willow squeezed her eyes shut, praying that he didn’t notice. The sound of someone clearing their throat caused her to open her eyes.


There Noah was holding out her pencil; amusement sparked in his gorgeous brown pool of eyes. Willow blinked. He smiled and placed the pencil down on her desk. Willow didn’t move. It seemed as though she was frozen solid, her brain turning numb. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, Willow found her voice.

“Thanks,” she said hastily picking up the pencil and turning back to the math equation. Out of the corner of her eyes, Willow saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards into a smile.


Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months and soon enough it was 3 months since Willow had even uttered a word to Noah. The only source she had was Lola, who was determinedly spitting out facts about him.

It seemed he was still front page news at school. He was known as a party goer, though slightly on the shy side. Willow saw him every day; but she didn’t really look him. He was just there, another student whom she showed no interest in.

In fact, it wasn’t until a particular Sunday morning, when Willow really looked at him.

It was during church service, Willow was placing pamphlets in seat pockets when Noah casually strolled in. He looked… bored. And completely out of place. Church was the last place she expected to see Noah. He seemed like the kind of guy who would rather be in bed, sleeping off a hangover from the previous night. Willow continued staring, now completely frozen, pamphlets still in hand. And then something terrible happened. Noah looked up. 

His eyes widened slightly in surprise, before returning to their usual bored look. Willow quickly turned around avoiding his stare. Act normal, she chanted as she continued her previous task. But Willow couldn’t ignore feeling of his eyes piercing through her back. Suddenly, the room seemed to get warmer, beads of sweat gathered in her palms. Willow’s eyes fluttered shut, hoping she would just disappear. But of course Willow was reminded that she held no superpower. She was simple girl. And she could not disappear no matter how much she willed herself to.

Throughout the church service Willow remained out of common sight. And after, she made sure to always keep herself busy. Whether it was stacking chairs, or helping pour coffee into styrofoam cups. Whatever it was that she did, Willow managed not to see Noah again.

That is until the next Sunday, when he entered the large church doors; this time he looking a little less bored. Although he didn’t waver from his usual player-ish ways; Noah made sure to chat up anyone good looking girl around his age. But he did something unexpected, Noah approached Willow. He took her by surprise. She was too busy trying to balance a tray filled with muffins to be delivered to the praise and worship music team.

“Hi,” was his simple greeting.

Willow jumped, nearly dropping the tray. She slowly turned around to face her intruder, her eyes widening at the sight of him. 

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Noah asked, after a period of silence. Willow had not intended on saying anything, she was never good at social encounters. But Noah’s witty comment made the words shoot out of her mouth before she could shove them back.


Noah smirked, somehow knowing that he had won something that wasn’t even a game. Willow laughed uncertainly before turning on her heels and walking away.

A/N: haha this is so something I would have done. 

Anyway, is everyone liking the story? Should I continue? 

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