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Keith POV

i stepped out of my apartment and the cold winter air hit my face, it had only been one month since I turned 18 and moved into my own apartment. and had only been a year since i moved to NYC from Texes. i started to walk towards the under ground subway, luckily  i live pretty close to the subway so i only had to walk to the subway. i was on my way to a dance studio downtown. i have always had a passion for dance, when i was little i did 3 years of dance then i had to take a break and i took cheer, soccer,swim and any other sport you could speak of. but for some reason i had always been connected to dance. so today was the day i decided i would pursue dance so i googled dance studios in my area and i found one called "down town dance", pretty obvious name. as i hoped on the subway going downtown i plugged in my earphones and started to listen to oh no! by marina and the diamonds, i have always loved her music and the way she was always looking for success and not looking for money of a car or a relationship. the bus was filled with people but one person cought my eye, he had tan skin and brown hair and blue eyes the perfect combination, he was on his phone and from what i could tell he was on Instagram. the bus came to a stop and i got off, wait a second that guy was following me! i turned around,"are you following me or something" i asked."that depends were are you going?" "im going to downtown dance you know the studio?" i responded.he laughed, "haha what a coincidence im going there too". 

Lance POV 

"what brings you to new york?" i say to the black haired boy. he told me that he turned 18 and moved here from texes. "ahh so your a texen boy" i said in a fake southern accent, the boy laughed. "so whats your name?" he asked. "lance, lance McClain, and yours?" "Keith" he said. i wanted to seem interested so i responded with a nod as we arrived at the dance studio. "here we are". i stepped inside the building. there i saw pidge working on one of her hip hop routines. "hey pidge!" she looked at me and frowned. "some one must be in a bad mood" i said jokingly. she stoped in the middle of her routine and punched me in the arm then went back to dancing. "oww pidgion that hurt" "once she was done with her routine she walked over to get a towel and a water bottle. "i may be small but i can kick your ass" she said with a smirk. i walked over to set down my bag and Keith followed me like a lost dog. "just set your bag down here". i told him. "pidge were is shiro?" i asked. "he is at the cafe he will be back any second" pidge answered. right as she finished her sentence shiro walked in. "ahh speak of the devil shiro my man welcome back" he waved at me, his mouth full with a pastry. "shiro this is keith, keith this is shiro oh and here is pidge too" i said. "shiro is our dance coach he coaches any type of dance." "what type of dance do you do?" shiro asked keith. "ballet" keith said. "cool your the first to do classic ballet, pidge does hip hop i do contemporary and allura does point" i explain to him as i take off my jacket. "alright we are about to warm up". i watch as keith takes off his hoodie he had on a red crop top sweater and black 3 quarter leggings. " alright lets get to work!" shiro said with a smile.

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