Dark Courage

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My name is Tessie, and I live in fear.

In the early hours of the evening when I see the safety of the sunlight begin to recede, casting haunting shadows across the walls, the fear comes. But I do not let the fear paralyze me. I let it surge through my body, fueling my most primal instinct: to stay alive. The fear tells me where to put my hands and feet; where to thrust my dagger. No great warrior is without fear, for it is a valuable weapon.

I clench my hands to stop the trembling. They can't know I'm out here. Not yet. I hear a crunch behind me. My heart speeds up as I whirl, fumbling for my dagger. How did they find me?! I didn't make any noise! My eyes quickly adjust to the darkness. A squirrel. I am way too nervous. I take a deep breath, and think back to the day when my uncle told me and my brother that we live in a world of vampires. The demons that only come out at night. They follow the idiots that are stupid enough to come out at night, and drain them of their blood. The humans that are lucky enough to escape are labeled sympathizers of the human race. they are hunted down and slaughtered. My brother was hunted. He went into the lone shed that stands not far from where I staked my claim on this place. He never came out. They smeared his blood over the windows as a reminder to others who happened upon the shack. I stop. The memory is too painful to relive.

I look around and take a step back. I am closer than I thought. The grass has died, adding an element of evil. There was enough of that anywhere you look. The shack was there, standing feebly on a weak foundation. My brother's blood has dried a dark crimson color. I look away and spot a tree a few feet away. I walk slowly to it and grab the lowest branch. I swing my leg up onto it and reach for the next one.

Suddenly, the slam of a door disturbs the eerie calm. my head shoots up, giving me a crick in my neck. Climbing as fast as I can, I snatch branches and haul myself up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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