Chapter 1:Before the Start

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Mark and Jbot were taking their time as they talked back and forth in his server:"The Godly Legends"They took their time talking about memes and playing video games together,they were the best of friends,3 years.They had bots who they would play around with.It was awesome.On March 10th,2017,LucasFromTheMoon joined in the 2 party server.Jbot got an all nighter with the new friend the day he came,watching Parappa the rapper till they could sleep.Mark would always go to sleep early,so he could wake up early.The two had fun together.Months later,WildMike48 joined in the crew.They all played like normally in the start together,and memeing eachother everyday.It was a normal 4 person server that nowone knew about.That is,when the impossible hit.

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