Chapter: 3

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Your POV.

~Next day~
I wake up so tired, i remember coming home at 12 am after (G/n) and i hang out at the ice cream shop and the park, hanging in the park at night is great!

I get up and start to get ready for school as i do i check my phone

[8:30 pm text from: (F/n)]

(F/n): Hey where are you?

(F/n): Helloooooo?

(F/n): Seriously answer me!!

(F/n): I am starting to worry....

(F/n) This isn't funny!

(F/n): Someone said you left with a boy/girl, you better text me tomorrow so i can know you are okay. Please be okay.

[Last text: 12:34]

(Y/n): Sorry i didn't answer back! I was busy hanging with my new friend last night i guess when i got home i quickly went to sleep!

(F/n): You should have said something before you left! You gave me a little panic attack!

(Y/n): I guess

(F/n): So what is their name?

(Y/n): Who?

(F/n): The person you left with! Gotta know who you were with! Tell me! Did they look hot? Do they have a friend ( ͡°з ͡°)

(Y/n): I'll tell you everything when we get back to school

(F/n): Okay see you then!!

~~~~~Timeskip to le school~~~~~

I got to school a bit earlier than before. I wasn't sure why I did because i usually come a little late, oh well.

I started to head to my locker to get my books for first period when someone started to call my name.

"(Y/n)!!!!!" Said person tackled me from the back to the cool floor "this is so rare for you to be early to school!!!" I grunted and stuggled to turn enough to see the person. It was (F/n).

"Get off of me!! Your squishing the air out of me!!" I sturggled to say

"Sorry i was just excited!! Time to tell me what happened and who was that boy/girl you left with!"

"I will as soon as you get the hell off of me!!"

"Oh. Right." (F/n) got off and helped me get up. I dusted myself off and picked up my bag. "Why do you have to know so badly anyway?" I asked them kinda fusterated while trying to open my locker (failed to open it 3 times by now and gonna get ready to punch if it doesn't open anytime soon) (F/n) was about to start speaking before someone else started to call my name. "(L/n)! How rare to see you early walking my hall ways!" I turned to my right to see (E/n) and their two friends (who are nice when (E/n) isn't around by the way) walking towards me

"Jesus Christ, why can't i come to school early for one time and not get bothered about it? What do you want (E/n)?" I say with an annoyed tone in my voice while slamming my fist on my locker, (E/n) stops in (E/g) tracks and locks eyes with me which I really wish didn't happened cuz now I just feel awkward, then (E/n) spoke up "so I heard you came to my party and left with someone, also heard you were too chicken to play Spin the Bottle" (E/g) has a wicked grin on their face "so what is this person's name? I find it odd someone would wanna leave with you so I have to know how lame they are too be leaving with you..." (E/n) keeps on talking but at this point I have just lost interest, I started spacing out 'aw man... What am I gonna eat when I get home? We are out of food. I can order pizza? Do I have any money left? Ice cream sounds nice too..." My thoughts were interrupted by (E/n) waving their hand in front of my face

"Are you listening?! I was in the middle of talking to you!"

"Ah shit you still were?"

"I shouldn't even waste my time on you"

"Yet here you still are. Let's go (F/n)."

(F/n) and I started walking away as (E/n) yelled at us to come back and that they weren't done. I couldn't careless tho I was still thinking about what I should have to eat when I get home.

Just like that the day is over. (E/n) didn't bother me after ignored (e/g) and (F/n) almost got (f/g) hand snapped off after trying to steal my food during lunch. The rest of the day went smoothly after that, I got home and suddenly received a text.

[3:59 pm text from: Unknown number]

Unknown: Hey (Y/n)

(Y/n): Who is this??

Unknown: It's (G/n)

(Y/n): How did you get my number?

Unknown: Man you ask waaaay to many questions. But I do too so I can't say much :P

Unknown: You gave it to me last night remember?

I did? I must not remember since I was kinda tired cuz it was late.

(Y/n): No. But I guess that was because I was tired.

Unknown: Ah. I get it, just glad to know you made it home safe after last night.

(Y/n): I am strong! I am a big kid now!

Unknown: Hahaha! You're such a dork!

(Y/n): Thanks it's one of my best qualities 😗

Unknown: 🤗 No probs dork! Now if you excuse me I need to do my homework. Can we hang out tomorrow?

(Y/n): I'll see if I can, right now I need to order myself fooooood :D

Unknown: Alright! Bye!

(Y/n): See ya!

I saved (G/n)'s number and called the Little Cesar's and order. I turned on the TV and watched (favorite show). I feel like things are kinda going up this year, I haven't been pushed around as much from (E/n) lately (Yo don't jinks that-) and I made a new friend. Maybe I can find a gf/bf this year too? Maybe I shouldn't push my luck too much. I'm good for now, right now it's just me and my friends and that's all I need.

A/n: 'Aw man you finally updated??? Thanks I hate it.' Me too I tried to see what I can get out rn and this is what I got! I just hope I can get enough inspiration next time to make it better! ;;;

P.s Go ahead and yell -3- I am ready

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