Chapter 2

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- Past -

Kit sighed. He knew it was a bad idea from the start, but he just couldn't resist those signature puppy eyes that Ming was so freaking good at. He never could resist them. All Ming would have to do was just look at Kit with those magical eyes and before he knew it, Kit was already dragged into whatever Ming was demanding of him at the moment. Now that Kit was thinking about it, it was totally unfair. And to think that the others thought that he had the upper hand in their relationship.

But in all seriousness, Kit really needed to finish reading these notes and start studying for his exam. Which was in a couple of days. Which only gave him 48 hours. Sh*t! He really needed to stop being such a lovesick teenager and actually focus. Concentrate. But, of course, Ming wasn't helping. At all.

"Stop it," Kit growled.

"Hmm??? Stop what???" Ming singsonged back.

Ugh. Of course, Ming was going to play dumb. Kit sighed again and looked up from his notes at Ming, who immediately lit up when he got Kit's attention. Man, Ming was seriously an overgrown puppy. Kit could literally see Ming's imaginary dog-ears perk up, along with his imaginary dog-tail wagging furiously behind his back. Kit struggled to keep himself from smiling back at Ming. It was very difficult.

"Stop distracting me," Kit tried again.

"How am I distracting you? I wasn't doing anything."

Ming gave the most innocent-looking expression that he could muster. Kit frowned.

They had started studying together for about an hour now. In the beginning, Kit had wanted to go study with his doctor gang, but Ming had begged that Kit stay with him. Ming protested that especially since exams were about to start, Ming wasn't able to see Kit as much these days and he really missed Kit so much and he was practically dying of his longing for Kit and surely Kit didn't want his sweetheart to die of such sad heartache? Drama queen Ming made Kit roll his eyes, but (as mentioned) Kit just never could get away from those damn sulking puppy eyes! So Kit, of course, had to give in. But not all the way. Kit threatened that he would leave the minute that Ming distracted him. Ming confidently promised that he would not utter a single word.

And Ming kept true to his word. He was actually very quiet (quite eerily so) that Kit was pleasantly surprised at first. He thought that this study session might actually work out, which was great because, although he didn't want to admit it out loud, Kit had missed Ming and wanted to spend more time with him as well. But then, a few minutes in, Kit started to sense something strange. Every time Kit looked up from his books, he caught Ming just staring at him and grinning whenever he met Kit's eyes. Kit tried to ignore it at first and pretend that it didn't bother him. But it did. A lot. Ming didn't seem to want to end this one-sided staring contest anytime soon, and as more and more seconds ticked by, it was getting on Kit's nerves because it was making him feel self-conscious and a bit shy, and his face was slowly getting all flushed up, and why the hell was the room feeling so hot all of a sudden?

"Stop staring at me!"

Ming mouthed a silent "Oh" at that. OH? Kit looked at Ming in disbelief.

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