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Good morning !

I think today is a very wonderful day that brings me here to present you an interesting topic about endangered animals

And here, my name is Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Anh.

And I'm going to show you a species of animal that needs urgent protection, especially in right here, our country. It's pangolin

My presentation will last 7 minutes, which consists of 3 main points:

+ The first one is about general information of Pangolin

+Then, I'll give you the reasons why we must protect this kind of animals in VietNam.

+And the last is suggested solution for protection.

If you have any questions, please save them until the end of my presentation.

So, let's start from this picture. You know that this is a pangolin.

It's an animal whose tongue is longer than its body to pick up ants

It eats over 70 million insects a year. It's got scales, but it's a mammal.

This animal also known by its scientific name Pholidota.

The mammal that lives in Africa , some part of Asia, including VietNam

Pangolins are the world's only scaly mammals.

When attacked pangolins roll up to protect themselves

However, this doesn't help them defend against poachers


Why it is urgent to protect Pangolin in Viet Nam ?

One aspect of affection is because it's cute to protect.

But that not more important than this one. The food chain

The pangolin that belongs to the food chain. It's really significant for every living things that if one disappears, it will destroy the chain, and the source of food.

Pangolins are more and more disappearing

Many people have never heard of a pangolin before, but it's the most hunted mammal in the world and is critically endangered.

The number of pangolins are 10 times as the number rhino. And Vietnam is the biggest country for pangolin's illegal trade.

10,000 pangolins are trafficked illegally each year.

The true number trafficked over a two-year period was 116,990 to 233,980 in Viet Nam.

Ha Noi markets, or boundaries near China.

Some Vietnamese people pumped the stomach with a mixture of corn meal and sold with Price: $350 per kilo.

It's so cruel but unrational.

Why? Because we're unaware of this and there's a big gap

Some foor family poach pangolin, hope for higher money, while the demand is unrational for meat in restaurants, and traditional medicine.

But Pangolins should not worth for that. It's said that scale's good for woman dusts?

But it's actually their scales are made of keratin which is the same as human fingernail.

In the end, people pay money for eating human fingernail ?

Moreover, the protection for taking care pangolin in national park. Their food is just around the ants, and these food kill them.

Pangolins are easy to die. So the protection is really more important.

Here are my suggested solution.

The big problem for Viet Nam is our awareness. We here really don't care for animal survival, not just pangolin.

So, to raise people's awareness is extremply important

make Pangolin more popular

We can support animal organizations or an interesting idea here is making cartoon with Pangolin. So children not just Vietnam, but the world will know more and Pangolins.

This is the end of my presentation

Now you know the only scale mammal Pangolin,

and our responsible for protection from awareness, trade in Viet Nam ,and suggested solution.

Hope for that we will more aware and protect Pangolin in Vietnam

Thank you for watching. If you have any question, please raise your hands.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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