Sparkly Toads
I met a man along the road
He said he traded sparkly toads
He wore a coat of gleaming gold
His voice was young
But his face was old
On his head
Sat a large top hat
Around his neck a large grey cat
His trousers looked a tad to small
But out each pocket there peered a mole
His eyes they glimmed like green gems
I wondered was I dreaming then?
He asked where I was going today
But I'd forgotten and could not say
Then gesturing towards a stream
Which ran along the road unseen
He asked if I would like to see
Some sparkly toads he'd just set free
I asked him why he had done so
Said he the market was quiet slow
I peered into the little stream
And sure enough there at its brim
Sat one of brown and green and red
Yes sparkly it must be said
I remembered where I should be
So said goodbye and off with me
But not too far along the road
I thought I'd like to own a toad
So turned about but could just stare
For the man was not there
In the stream along the road
Sat a very golden toad
I chuckled as it could not be
And once again was off with me