1: Zeana Vallejo

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This chapter is dedicated to Prince James Ian Rizaldo because today(08-17-17) is his birthday!!

Happy Birthday Ian!! 


" Zeana?"

" Yes my love?"

" I love you"

"I love you too"

I said to the person in front of me but I don't know him. Yes I know that he is a boy because of his voice but I can't see clearly his face in my position because I'm meters away from him. But, the moment I told him that I love him, he despair. It's like a blink of an eye, he's gone.


"Zach, where are you?"


I shouts as I am still standing here alone and this time I am with someone that I don't personally know. There are three persons in front of me, a couple with a young boy in front of them, but when I'm about to ask them who they are, they also despair. I didn't even have the chance to ask  their name.

Then, I saw again him. But, this time I'm watching him corner by army people. When the moment he turns to me, someone shoot him. He falls to the ground and in less than a second, I didn't notice that I'm already beside him. Crying and begging to save his life and be strong while hugging him tight.

"I love you Zeana. I'll always be at you side." He said the close his eyes

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I shoutS

I wake up when I heard my real voice.

Crap! That was just a dream. A bad dream of mine again. A bad dream that fells like real one. But thankfully that those bad dreams of mine are just dreams.

'There you are again Zeana. Having those nightmares of yours." I told myself as I fix myself for school

"By the way, Good morning Zeana, Good morning world." I said while doing my morning rituals. Well to tell you, I live by myself no more stories.


'In acquiring a property on installment basis, the value of the property minus the down payment is called mortgage."

"The amortization formula which is determining the periodic payment----

Mr. Castello is discussing but my mind is not cooperating on the discussion. It's like I'm not in mood to listen to his discussion because of that dream of mine. It can't get rid off of my mind and I want to sleep because of the boredom that I am feeling right now.

I'm looking at Mr. Castello when I remember the guy in my dream.


How come he is on my dream? What did that dream meant by?

I look at my back while those questions are still asking me. There he is 'Zach'. Yes! He is my classmate. A very humble man that I met. Were just classmate and we didn't usually talk to each other, that is why I'm asking myself.

'Why he is on my dream?"

While looking at him, he looks at me. The next thing I know is I am staring at him, No! We are starring at each other.

Looking to his eyes are just nothing to me because I didn't feel anything towards him. He is looking at me straight into my eyes and I can see on his eyes that it has something that it wants to tell me. Though I can't read what's really on his eyes wanted to say but, I can see it. I just can't describe it by words.

His smirk get me back on my sense that why I quickly fix myself and look in front, only to know that Mr. Quintos, our research teacher, is already arrive and he is looking at me. No! the whole class is looking at me and there eyes are asking me why I am looking at Zach.

''Why? Is it bad to look at Zach?'

"Okay let's start, today I will group you by pairs for your research paper on our subject." Mr. Quintos said and everyone looks excited to this grouping because they keep on talking and wishing who they want to be partner on.

While he's talking, I can't help myself but to look again to the person on my back

'Still wondering why you're in my dream.' I thought as Mr. Quintos start to announce who will be the partners of each other. While as for me, I'm waiting my for my name to be call.

"Zach and Lycka."

'Liam and Zeana."

Liam? So I was partner with Liam. The man that I don't have anything about him aside from being a quite person

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