Spidey is Back (The Amazing Spider-Man)

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Chapter 1

There's a Boy named

Peter Parker

And Thats me

(At Home)

it's 7:30 in Morning

when my Aunt May Call me

to eat breakfast

'Peter come down now let's

eat breakfast' Thats my Aunt May

'Yeah one sec.' i replied.

when going to down stairs

i saw Uncle Ben repairing

the lights.

'Uncle Ben what are you

doing,may i help you?' i said

'Don't need to worry Peter

come and sit down and eat

breakfast' he replied.


when finishing my break fast

i go to school now

(At School)

when i get something on my


Mary Jane has come and talk


'Pete did you did your homework

last night?'Thats Mj my girl in my


'Yeah you?'

'I did oh thanks for helping me

last thursday'

'No problem,btw did you see

Gwen?' i asked.

'That girl?' she pointed Gwen

'oh thanks see you later!' i replied

i run faster to gwen

'Hey gwen!'

'oh pete i didn't see you coming'

'well am here now btw

Congrats you pass on Daily

Bugle now we work together'

i excited said.

'Oh thanks pete'

then a ring bell tune

after class i go to Gwen house

to go to Daily Bugle

'Oh hi pete'

'come on let's go now'

'just wait ok'

she send me to her house

then i see the news paper

it said



when gwen are done

we go to Oscorp

then she said

'Pete am waiting out side you go in


'oh ok' i replied.

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