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Mikail made a decision to keep Merliah's secret but she has to tell everything to Mikail

Merliah:I'll tell you everything but can you help me?

Mikail:What is it?

Merliah:Can you help me to walk because i still new with this leg- thing


As soon as Merliah's tail get out from the pool,her tail started to change into a pair of legs that still recovery from injury

Then,Mikail lend his hand to Merliah and he bring Merliah to the living room


Mikail:But,before you start why dont' i get you something to drink?


Mikail call the room service and order 2 cups of tea

Mikail:Our tea will be served in 10 minutes.Is that ok?

Merliah:It's fine

Mikail:You can tell me now

Merliah take a deep breath 

Merliah:Like this,10 years ago,i actually was a human


Merliah:Its true


Then,they heard a sound of knocking from the door 


Mikail:Hold on

Then,Mikail come back with 2 cup of tea

Mikail:You may continue .....

After 30 minutes,

Merliah:That's the story

Mikail:I'm so sorry for you

Merliah:Its ok.I have told you everything and you must keep your promise

Mikail:Trust me,i will

Then he realized that Merliah is wearing  an old shirt

Mikail:Can you walk by your own?

Merliah:Not so.Why?

Mikail:As long as you still in this land,I will beyour protector and your friend

Merliah:I don't want to trouble you

Mikail:It's  ok.Who will help you in this place unless than me?


Mikail:Good.Firstly,I'm going to teach you how to walk

Merliah:Why does it sound so hard?

Mikail:It's not actually

After 2 hours of teaching,Merliah finally can walk properly

Merliah:YEAY!I did it!

Mikail:I've told you already 

Merliah:Thank you so much,Mikail

Mikail:My pleasure.So why don't you follow me 


Mikail:Somewhere but you need to change your clothes first

Merliah:Is it horrible?

Mikail:A bit.You wait here while i find something for you

Mikail went to his room and he find his shirt that Merliah could wear

THE TALE OF A MERMAIDWhere stories live. Discover now