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25th November, 2016

Phone Call

Brian: You won't believe what happened today.

Sarah: What?

Brian: May came over at my house and started accusing you of tampering with her award. She said that she had a strong feeling you or Gwen did. I told her that she's mad and that you would never do it. It was just bad luck.

Sarah: Why that bi-

Brian: She started crying later, but I did shout at her for accusing you just like that. I mean you can't just have a feeling that someone tampered with your awards. That's absurd.

Sarah: You and I can be expected to do this, but May? This doesn't sound like her at all. I'll get her for this.

Brian: You should go confront her. And if you have to create a scene then don't hesitate.

Sarah: She must have something that she's accusing me. What if she found out? What if my celebrity status gets a stain on it forever? What if- no, I'll go call her right now. Bye.

Call ended

Phone Call

May: Hello?

Sarah: Don't you hello me. How dare you accuse me of tampering with the award? Why would I even do that?

May: I just expressed a feeling, Sarah. I mean that. . . sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just-

Sarah: Never mind that. And we, or at least I, am not meeting you today. Bye.

May: Look-

Call ended

Call ended

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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Have I gone crazy?

Yours truly
Concerned Sarah


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PS: Updates might be slow as school has started and because I've gone haywire with the plot and I need to think things true. Meanwhile, you can check out my other story: Not Crazy.

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