Chapter Ten

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"What are you doing?" Sherlock demanded.

Lestrade looked up from where he lounged in Sherlock's chair. Officers picked through the things strewn about the flat, throwing them all out of order and disregarding them as they found a lack of evidence.

"Well, I knew you'd find the case. I'm not stupid."

"You can't just break into my flat."

"And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat."

"Well what do you call this then?"

Lestrade smiled. "It's a drugs bust!"

Sherlock's lips tightened into a thin line as the phrase brought back deeply unpleasant memories of his early days with Lestrade. John laughed incredulously.

"Seriously? This guy, a junkie? Have you met him?"

"John." Sherlock muttered.

"I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational."

First of all, when did John gain such an opinion of him and second, how could he shut him up? Third, how could he get that silly smile off Lestrade's face?

"John, you probably wanna shut up now."

"Yeah but come on." He trailed off as Sherlock continued to stare at him. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Sherlock realized John was unusually comfortable having his personal space invaded. "No." John looked him over, trying to find signs of drugs.



"Shut up! I'm not your sniffer dog." This last he said to Lestrade.

"No, Anderson's my sniffer dog."

"What, And-" He glared as Anderson waved. "Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?

"Oh, I volunteered."

Lestrade shrugged. "They all did. They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're very keen."

Donovan held up a jar. "Are these human eyes?"

Sherlock glowered at her. "Put those back!"

"They were in the microwave!"

"It's an experiment."

Lestrade sighed and stood. "Keep looking, guys. Or you could help us properly and I'll stand them down."

Sherlock paced the flat. "This is childish."

"Well, I'm dealing with a child. Sherlock, this is our case. I'm letting you in, but you do not go off on your own. Clear?"

"Oh, what, so-so-so you set up a pretend drugs bust to bully me?"

Lestrade tilted his head. "It stops being pretend if they find anything."

"I am clean!" He had to be. As much as he sometimes wanted to, he couldn't go back to the drugs.

"Is your flat? All of it?"

Exasperated, Sherlock tugged his shirt cuff open and down, revealing a nicotine patch. "I don't even smoke."

"Neither do I." Lestrade followed suit. "So let's work together."


Work together. It didn't really work out that well. He'd ended up doing it on his own. Well, mostly on his own. He had his mysterious shooter to thank. He sighed as the garishly orange blanket was draped over his shoulders again. Lestrade came to stand beside him and Sherlock gestured to the blanket. "Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me."

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