First Day Back

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Summer officially ended and now it's time for students to head back in their respective classrooms that were assigned to them by their teachers, as if it wasn't bad enough to wake up in the early hours of day. A chorus of moans and grunts followed the school bell but they grudgingly follow in fear of getting a slip in the first day of classes-don't want to be on the teacher's bad side.

Every year the same cycle continues; summer ends, school starts, students wait long enough for the holidays to come. Of course, what type of school day would it be when there's no introduction made by each student which everyone has already heard of about a hundred times. It's easy to create a live biography about oneself because all you have to do is say facts that are already in every sign-up form you've answered. Not to mention you could copy someone else's hobby that isn't too simple for your peers to judge you nor too complex for trapping queries made by the teacher. Although the actual problem isn't that, it would be standing in front of forty pairs of eyes and saying that made up speech of yours that makes you look more like a boring person than you already are. The feeling of anxiety while doing so could be described all to easily by everyone- That huge ball stuck in your throat making you take deep breathes like a horse on the run, quivering legs that could bolt out the door any minute, clammy hands that would get you nowhere but a shaken mess. Thank God for time limits in these things. Finally, done with the first round.

Lunch time comes around and you look forward to getting a break from all the students around you that, let's be honest, you don't care about. There's another obstacle in the way and that would be scouting your best friend that you haven't seen the entire day because you're so caught up in locating all your classes, which does make you wonder why the hell you haven't had a single class with them yet. Going back in the matter on hand, you know you'll be alone in facing what high school clichés would like to call it. The Cafeteria Scene. There's usually no qualms regarding the cafeteria, more on what's in it. People who think judging others silently is the way to go and when they don't have enough attention, go behind your back without actually knowing you. Choosing a seat is also a struggle since the faculty department clearly couldn't do math leaving students to fend off themselves. Eventually you do find your friends in all the chaos and finally things are better with them. Second round got nothing on me.

Afternoon classes fly by like a breeze in Autumn. Hallways are cleared in the span of a split-second, every student wanting to get away from their so-called hell hole created by humans. No one can blame them for being that way, dealing with an adult right in front of you the entire day could seriously be tiresome. Deciding that a walk will be better, you take a step into the bone-chilling cold which leads you right back to your very own hellhole. A gruesome beating waiting for you and shattered glass left for you to mend or even better- a soul.



Hi there! Julia here.


This piece is not by any means connected to me. It was just an idea running through my head therefore I am not being abused in any form or way. 

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