Isabelle Lightwood -"I love you. That's my reason."

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Isabelle was still shaking when she closed the door of her bedroom. She had never been afraid in the dark. She was a shadowhunter. She protected the humans against the only things they really should be afraid of. But she knew all too well how close she had been to losing Jace. How this evening would have ended if she had not been in time to save him from Sebastian.


Isabelle looked up when she heard a soft knock on the door and your trembling voice. "What are you doing here at this time?" She cocked her head when she opened the door and she fought the need to wrap her arms around your neck, to kiss you until her lips would be red and swollen, to hold you and to never let you go again.

"I just wanted to know if you were okay?" You licked your lips. You were a shadowhunter yourself, but there were moment Isabelle almost forgot that.

There were moments she thought she had to protect you. There were moments she purposely asked Alec to not send you on a certain mission because she was afraid something would happen to you. Maybe she should have asked you to come tonight. Maybe things wouldn't have come this close to going completely wrong if she had, but somehow she was also relieved that she had not had to worry about you too. "Sure. I'm great."

You shook your head and you curled your lips up into a smile. "Pretty, little, liar." You whispered, hissing between your teeth, while you placed your hands on her shoulders and pushed her into the room. "You're not okay. You're not okay at all." You cocked your head and then you leaned in to kiss her.

"Why are you here?" Isabelle stepped back. She knew where this would end if she wouldn't stop you and she was not certain if she wanted that right now.

You kept silent for a moment and then you grabbed her hand to rub her knuckles. "I just wanna tell you I missed you." You swallowed, but Isabelle didn't say anything. "And there is something else I wanted to ask." You bit your lip. "Are you the reason I haven't been on missions for weeks?"

Isabelle bit her lip and she lowered her glance. She had somehow hoped that you wouldn't discover that she had asked everyone to keep you in the institute, to give you something to do over here, to make sure you were always safe.

"I'm as much of a fighter as you are, Isabelle." You spoke softly. "And I know that you're probably worried sick when I'm gone. Trust me. I feel the same when you're gone, but that's not a reason to just keep me here!"

"I have a good reason for keeping you here." Isabelle swallowed. "I love you. That's my reason." She looked up and her glance met yours. "I know you're a good fighter. But I don't want to lose you." She shook her head and she licked her lips. "I need you. I need you to be there when I come home like this. I need you to be there when I feel horrible. I need you to be there when I'm afraid that everything is going horribly wrong and that someone I care about might die."

"I'm here..." Your arms slid around her waist and Isabelle felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm here and I will always be here when you need me."

"Will you stay tonight?" Her nose brushed yours and then she kissed your lips. "Will you please stay tonight?"

"Of course I will."

Isabelle Lightwood - Shadowhunters Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now