chapter 1: the arrival

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"Ugh..." I...woke up? In a bed of flowers, that's weird...I thought I would die. I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a cave with a door and a big boulder, I try to get up but- "ahhh!! (Pain shout)" my left arm is broken and my left leg too and they're bleeding.

???: what was that?
???2: I don't know Chara maybe we should go, maybe it's another human.
Chara: ugh...fine

After hearing the voices I start thinking what could I do? Maybe I can hide behind that big boulder, after thinking I hide behind the boulder and just as I'm hide I hear footsteps coming closer.

Chara: see? There's no one here, you were wrong, now let's go Frisk
Frisk: but you hear a voice too maybe there's someone here but it's hiding maybe he's afraid?
Chara: okay let's search but the only place to hide is that big boulder

After hearing that I sigh in defeat and leave the boulder and I'm encountered with two girls almost identical just that one have a green sweater and the other have a purple one.

Frisk:*gasp* you're bleeding hurry we have to get you to Mom
"I'm...okay..." After saying that I fall and everything turn black.

*Dream state*

"☟☜☹☹⚐ ✡📭☠" (HELLO Y/N)
"Where am I? Who are you and how did you know my name?"
"👎⚐☠❄ 🕈⚐☼☼✡ ✋ 🕈⚐☠❄ ☟✌☼💣 ✡⚐🕆 💣✡ ☠✌💣☜ ✋💧 🕈👎 ☝✌💧❄☜☼ ✋💣 ☟☜☼☜ ❄⚐ 🕈✌☼☠ ✡⚐🕆 ✌👌⚐🕆❄ 👍☟✌☼✌ 💧☟☜ ✋💧 👎✌☠☝☜☼⚐🕆💧 👌☜ 👍✌☼☜☞🕆☹ 💧☟☜ 👍⚐🕆☹👎 ❄☼✡ ❄⚐ 😐✋☹☹ ✡⚐🕆 ✋☠ ❄☟☜ 💣⚐💣☜☠❄ ✡⚐🕆 ☝✋✞☜ ☟☜☼ ✡⚐🕆☼ 👌✌👍😐"(DONT WORRY I WONT HARM YOU MY NAME IS WD GASTER IM HERE TO WARN YOU ABOUT CHARA SHE IS DANGEROUS BE CAREFUL SHE COULD TRY TO KILL YOU IN THE MOMENT YOU GIVE HER YOUR BACK)
"But why would she do that? I... I don't understand.."
*Time skip because GASTER told you Chara's history*
"I..I see...thanks for warning me..."
"🕈☜ 🕈✋☹☹ 💣☜☜❄ ✌☝✌✋☠ ☠⚐🕈 ✋❄💧 ❄✋💣☜ ☞⚐☼ ✡⚐🕆 ❄⚐ ☝⚐ 👌✌👍😐"(WE WILL MEET AGAIN NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GO BACK)
"w-what? No wait!"

Chara POV

When he passed out, probably for the pain,we take him to the house in the ruins where Toriel treated his sounds and placed him on the couch and he's been sleeping since that.

*Time skip*

I was staring at the fire when he woke up he looked at his bandages then around the room till his sight landed on me.
"Where am I?"
Chara: Your in Toriel's house.
"Who is Toriel?"
Toriel: I'm the caretaker of the ruins, and may I ask who are you?
"My name is Y/n" so his name is Y/n? Hm...not bad... Wait what I'm thinking?!
Toriel: well Y/n would you like butterscotch pie?
"I'm kinda hungry...I guess one slice won't hurt"
Toriel: all right, Chara go get Frisk.
Chara: fine...
And after Y/n met Frisk we got dinner Frisk went to her room and I was going too, till I hear Y/n ask Toriel.
" there any possibility for me to get out of here? I don't want to be rude but I don't want to be here for ever..."
Great if he goes out I can be here with Frisk (Chara has a little crush on Frisk...*creepy voice* for now)
Toriel:well downstairs there is a door that leads to snowdin(?) But if you wanna go out you must take Frisk and Chara with you, it can be dangerous to go alone.
What?! No! There goes my chance to spend time with Frisk
"Uh...ok, I'll go get them"
After he said that I pretended that I was walking casually going through the hall
"Great, Chara go wait downstairs I'll go get Frisk"
Chara: why?
"We're going to snowdin and I need to take both Frisk and you"
He said that with a cold voice it wasn't rude but you could notice that he wasn't very friendly after that I went downstairs and waited.


After telling Chara to go and wait I went to Frisk room and knocked after some wait she got out
Frisk: oh, hey Y/n do you need something?
"Toriel said that in order to go out I need to take Chara and you with me so i need you to go with me"
Frisk: oh...ok.
After that we went downstairs and Chara was waiting with a face that said:"I'm annoyed don't talk to me" after that she walked with us and we passed the door.

After some time we were walking in the snow when Frisk asked something
Frisk: hey Y/n...why did you fall here?
"....because...I wanted to escape.."
Frisk: escape what?
"...that is none of your concern..."
After saying that Chara grabbed me by the collar of my jacket
Chara: ok, now, listen you talk like that to Frisk again and I kill you understood?!
"Well it's not my fault that she asked things that I don't want to talk about"
And right when I said that she pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the heart, after that she pulled out the knife and I fell to the ground, loosing blood, my mind slowly drifting away...till the only thing I can see is darkness.

A/n: heeeey! Yeah I know I'm late but yesterday I went to the house of my grandma and there isn't internet there but here it is hope you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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