SHolmes: Hey Loki do you think cannibilism could be the answer to both world hunger and over-population problems?
ASSgardPrince: Well it certainly is more efficient than Hunger games. Less amusing though.
SHolmes: I'm going to add someone else, don't yell. You always do.
*SHolmes added MrSex*
MrSex: Hello there did you miss me?
JWatson: Sherlock, you did NOT just add Moriarty
SHolnes: Oh shut up it's only a chat room John
JWatson: Alright fine but if anything dodgy happens, then I'm not going shopping for you ever again. And use your own milk.
MrSex: God, why don't you two just elope already?
ASSgardPrince: I know right?
*JWatson has gone offline*
ASSgardPrince: Looks like the little hedgehog left. It's just you guys with me now all alone. Whatever shall we do? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
SHolmes: Oh god.
MrSex: As much as I would like to participate in your implied activities, I prefer Sebastian Moran.
SHolmes: I knew you were seeing someone.
MrSex: It is pretty obvious.
SHolmes: Obvious yes.
ASSgard Prince: Alright I'm gonna increase the party.
*ASSgardPrince added TheDoctor, DrStrange, DPool, Spidey, Impala67, Moose, Castiel, Trickster, Lucifer, Michael, LanceyLance, MrMullet, Pidgeon, MattHolt, Hunkered, SpaceDad™, Alluring, GorgeousMan, Loturd, Marinette, LetMeEat, DJNino, Alyass, Clary, Jacemyass, Izzyqueen, Imgay and Glitterhoe*
SHolmes: Loki when you said increase the party, this is quite a big party.
DrStrange: Ah Sherlock how nice to see you.
SHolmes: Don't.
DPool: Wow don't you guys look so alike? Some people would say you were played by the same guy. Am I right readers?
Spidey: Wade we talked about this. Stop with the wall.
TheDoctor: Im going to the Tardis I'm done
SHolmes: Can I join you, to be honest I'm just there for the tea.
TheDoctor: Of course Holmes.
Impala67: Sammy what the hell is happening
Moose: I honestly have no idea Dean
Castiel: I think some of our friends added us to this group chat and it apparently can contain different people from different dimension or 'fandoms' as you people call it.
Trickster: Wow your people skills really are rusty Cassie
Castiel: Gabriel please stop
Pidgeon: Honestly I love y'all but please shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep and I'm sure the readers aren't amused by you
Hunkered: Pidge, the WALL
Gorgeousman: There is no wall now
Alluring: Why have I been dragged into this
Spacedad™: I have no idea honestly
MrMullet: I agree
LanceyLance: Keith I hate to agree with you but me too. And why is MrMullet your username? No bueno for the ladies
MrMullet: That won't be a problem
LanceyLance: What
MrMullet: What
Alyass: Jesus these two are almost as oblivious as adrinette.
LetMeEat: What's adrinette
Marinette: jfjshrfoosksbrbfzoksnf
DJNino: Is the girl ok
Izzyqueen: Shes having a 'mybestfriendneedstostopshippingmewithmycrushinfrontofmycrush' moment.
Imgay: I got none of that
Glitterhoe: Alec it's called fangirling. Its dangerous.
Clary: Wow.
Jacemyass: I know Clary.
Lucifer: So is everyone happy with the scenario so far? Because the author has no idea what the fuck to do about y'all so i guess shes going to end the chapter now
Michael: If one more person breaks the wall I'm going to get Spacedad™ aka Shiro on this chat to give y'all the ultimate bitch slap
LanceyLance: If he could just stop disappearing
MrMullet: StOp
Hunkered: All right bye y'all
Multifandom Chatroom
RandomMultifandom chat room. Crossovers. There will be seperate fandom sections but mostly with different characters and crossovers.