My character

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NAME:Meysse (but reals name Maleficient (she names all her kids that)but nobody knows not even Mal)
Nickname:Meys( but nobody calls her that so it's considered she dosent have one)
Gender: female
Crush: Harry Hook and Ben
Villain or not: Villain
Parents: Maleficaent
Sibling: Mal(twin actually)
Lives: Auradon
Looks: Has a dark shade of purple hair, green eyes(as usual), a bit pale with noticeable dimples, light freckles, mostly likes to wear a dark purple crop top with dark blue shorts and black wedged trainers, sometimes hair is in a pony tale and sometimes wears a hoodie with tights.
Likes: Her crushes, bulling people,making her mom proud(or before),art,music,hurting others,being the best and etc
Dislikes: Seeing her crush flirting with other girls,being left out of a good plan,not being the one to do the bulling and hurting of people,not being the best,dislikes homework(even though she's a genius),and somehow hates love!!!!.
Hobbies: Watching people get hurt,breaking peoples heart(especially since she's beautiful boys  can't resist her),art,cursing people and other horrible things
Abilities:Whatever Mal can do I can do better(fact),can turn to a dragon,and has powers
Flaws: Not that I have bad ones but,can make excellent potions,extremely bad and wicked,and boys cant resist

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