Two heads I

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George was looking through some experimental rotwell ghost detectors to get rid of when he spotted me staring out of the window in silence.
'It's Lucy isn't it?'
I ignored him, I didn't want to talk to George about Lucy. In fact I didn't want to talk to George at all, about anything for that matter.
'I can tell that there is something between the two of you'
I turned to see George looking through a thick lens, a rotwell invention that was supposed to help you find a ghosts source in an investigation. It apparently did nothing after George experimented with it a few times in different cases.
'Or at least there was' he said in a rather beaten up tone.

I stood up straight and looked at George. He was taking a few notes and sketching something. But he did it in a slow, sulky manner, which definitely wasn't his usual take on mysterious looking, ghost-related objects.
'You're still upset too, George, if only there was a way to convince her to come back... where's holly gotten to with that fruit cake by the way? Ah, here she comes!'
George looks a little more cheerful, as he tilts his head up to take a glance of the cake in Holly's hands. But his eyes were dull and there was no shine within them. He looked like he was hurting more than I was, and I was hurting bad.

'So?' Holly lifted the plate of fruitcake in the air before nearly placing it down in the centre of the thinking cloth. 'Who wants some freshly baked cake?'

George walked sulkily to the table, but I wouldn't let holly see my mood, so I walked cheerfully to the table and swiftly picked up a plentiful slice of fruit cake.
'So,' I looked towards holly, 'how was your day off? What did you do? How was your day?'
Holly eyed me suspiciously. She immediately knew something wasn't right. She knew me too well. Better than I'd like her to know me.

'Lockwood, you never ask so many questions, unless... it isn't Lucy again is it?'
I stopped chewing, and after a short pause started again.
'Lockwood... that girl, she's caused you so much pain, more than anything or anyone else'
Again, I stopped chewing. 'Holly.'
She had reminded me of my parents and Jessica. And as much as I liked to tell George, holly and Lucy otherwise, the events that occurred a long time ago still leave a gap in me.
'It's obvious Lockwood, its so obvious that there's something going on betwee-'
I tried to stay calm. I tried. But failed. I stood up with shocking speed cutting holly off. I placed the remains of my slice of cake on the table.
I turned to the door 'excuse me.' And I walked off to my room.

An hour or so had passed, when I heard the phone ringing and holly answering it in her trademark voice. Another five minutes later, there was a gentle knocking on my door. Whoever knows me well enough knows that when I'm in my room I'm best not disturbed, unless there's an emergency of course.

It was holly.

'Lockwood, there was an important call made, it was a request of our services for Penelope fittes'

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